Rehearsal Notes
God's Gonna Set...: Beginning (pg.34).
Basses worked on not swallowing their sound, and bringing their voices forward in a nasally tone.
Sopranos worked on having a more soulful sound. Also - "...set dis worl
on fi-yer..." 'on' is the same note as 'set dis worl'. Sopranos circle m.7 (making up notes there - fix that)
Guided Theory Lesson (
important): prep for individual work on
Friday**. Directions:
Go to
chorus website. Click on
Ensembles, homework,
theory videos.
If absent today/Friday, print out and do on your own.
Come to tutorials if you do not understand/want more help with it.
After you have finished this activity - Go to , go to
Note Identification, (
make sure you turn ACCIDENTALS OFF & add the Treble and Bass Clef)
30 examples. Twice. When done, click
Show Progress Report, screenshot it(!!!) and
send to Mrs. Patchett. Then,
go back and do an
Interval Identification.
Sight Singing - None today.
Assignments/Paperwork Due This Week
-SAT Forms/Picture Forms were passed out! If you have not received one, please see Mrs. Patchett.
-CONCERT ATTIRE FORMS were passed out to those who needed them. For people who are not fundraising for their Concert Attire/people who were not absent, they are DUE TOMORROW (Sept.16th)
-Interims sent home on Sept.16th
-Butterbraid Money and Orders are due Sept.21st. Extra forms found under the TV in Chorus Room.
-Fairshare due Sept.30th.
-Mattress Fundraiser on Sept.26th.