- Continue to sell peanuts.
- We have our winter concert on December 15th at 4:30 and 7:30 and a rehearsal on December 14th from 2:30-5:30.
- Get your dresses and suits tailored!!!
- Disney field trip forms are due tomorrow.
- Disney money is due on Monday, November 12th.
In class
We danced, we sang, we worked, we memorized!!!
Disney Memorization Dates:
Tues. November 3rd: Rejoice With Exceeding Great Joy
Fri. November 6th: What Child Is This
Thurs. November 12th: Silent Night
Tues. November 17th: Joy To The World and The Hallelujah Chorus
On November 23rd, there is a required parent meeting at 6:00 pm.