Rehearsal Notes & Assignments:
Festival Sanctus- Pages 3-5 measures 2-33 and Pages 8-10 measures 55-75
-Remember to start out piano and circle the crescendo above 'Deus'
-Also circle the crescendos in measures 10 and 11
-Sing it brightly, the tone is celebratory
-'Qui' is on the down beat in measure 26
-Measures 27-33 should be mezzo piano
-Make sure to mark the Coda on page 9 so you're prepared!
-Altos and sopranos worked on pitches in 67-70
-Everyone remember to be sitting or standing with good posture for the end of the song (especially soprano 1's)
-Keep vowels tall throughout the song and specifically on 'Deus'
Prayer of the Children- Whole Song
-We need to work on the timing and make sure it's not dragging
-Men start out softly and don't forget the fermata on 'room' (and altos)
-Decrescendo in 'towards the light'
-No breath in measures 9 and 10
-It is no longer piano on 'Can you feel' it's now forte in measure 12-13
-'Nothing' is a 16th note in measure 17, not an 8th note
-Altos don't forget to go down on 'own' in 22
-Basses come in on measure 26
-The dim. e rit. that some of you were wondering about basically just means softer and slower
-Sforzando on 'world'
-Remember to really try to feel the text. Today we talked about what the song really means and how deep it is. It's talking about children having to live without things that so many of us take for granted like our families, our safety and security, our homes, our freedom, etc. So when you sing this piece, really try to feel the words and what they are saying because it will make all the difference in how we sound.
12 Days After Christmas- Whole Song
-We sang the first 6 pages (which we know) and then kind of tried to figure out the rest
-Make sure you sound dramatic throughout the song.. it's a fun piece :)
-Don't breathe between 'Christmas' and 'my' in measure 8
-Don't chew the 'r' in 'mother' on page 6.. it should be 'mothahh' not 'motherrrr'
-Altos leap down from high D to middle D in measure 42
-Lots of emphasis on the 'K' in 'Fake' you should be angry... the gold was fake!!!
-Ladies need LOTS of work on the do ba do ba do's at the key change
-Altos get melody on page 12 WOOHOO!
*Good job not talking today for the most part! We got a lot done :)
No Homework
No Sight Singing
No Theory
-The new Butterbraid delivery day is THIS Thursday. Please make sure you make arrangements to pick up you butterbraids and get them into a freezer within the hour just to be safe. If you have an issue getting the butterbraids into a freezer due to an after school activity, you need to speak to Mrs. Patchett sooner rather than later. Please do not wait until Thursday to communicate the conflict.
-HSHS has started teacher of the year nominations. Students, parents and teachers can nominate a teacher of their choosing. There are a few paper forms on the front table in the chorus room, or the nomination form is on the HSHS website.
-If you wrote an essay to audition for the 9-10 choir and you have not recorded your audition, please make sure you come to the chorus room Thursday to complete your audition recording.
-There is a concert TONIGHT at Apex Friendship. The Southern Area Choral Festival will give a concert tomrorow night at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5 and Mrs. Patchett would HIGHLY encourage you to come out and support your chorus program. It will be an amazing concert!
-We got Peanut and Wreaths Trees & Garland Fundraiser forms yesterday.. if you were not here yesterday, go talk to Mrs. Patchett to get the order forms :)