Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Concert Choir, Tuesday 12/20/16


Rehearsal Notes and Assignments:
-We divided into our groups again today for the acapella Singing project that we will be working on for the rest of this week! We will perform tomorrow during class :)

No Theory

No Sight Singing


-The All State List will not be posted until after Winter Break 

-Men’s Invitational- Please learn your music over break.  We will begin lunch rehearsals when we return. 
-Concert Choir - Make sure you have Jan 10 on your calendar for the Concert Choir Informance and parent meeting.  This is a required performance. 7 pm in the auditorium. . 
-There is phantom rehearsal this afternoon until 4:00pm

Monday, December 19, 2016

Concert Choir, Monday 12/19/16


Rehearsal Notes and Assignments:
-We were divided into our groups today for the acapella Singing project that we will be working on for the rest of this week! Our job is to find a song that could be a potential singing valentine and perform it on Wednesday. We will have all day tomorrow to continue practicing.

No Theory

No Sight Singing


-The All State List will not be posted until after Winter Break 

-Men’s Invitational- Please learn your music over break.  We will begin lunch rehearsals when we return. 
-Concert Choir - Make sure you have Jan 10 on your calendar for the Concert Choir Informance and parent meeting.  This is a required performance. 7 pm in the auditorium. . 
-There is phantom rehearsal this afternoon - all are called.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Concert Choir, Thursday 12/15/16

Happy Thursday!!!   4 Days until break!!

Rehearsal Notes And Assignments:
-People asked about things in Music Theory that they had questions on and we went over key signatures, identifying minor triads, and Roman numerals as a class. There's going to be a quiz tomorrow so make sure you are caught up on everything your group has learned and you have memorized the circle of fifths!!

Homework: Study for the quiz tomorrow!! (It will be 30 questions plus blank circle of fifths)

-The Nutcracker opens Today and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.
-There is tutorial help available tomorrow at lunch in the chorus room
-If you have not paid for your concert attire or fully fundraised your concert attire, please pay the difference by Today. 
-Turned in music theory homework today. If you didn't do it, turn it in tomorrow!
-We got Interims today

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Concert Choir, Wednesday 12/14/16

Happy Wednesday!!!   5 Days until break!!

Rehearsal Notes And Assignments:
-Today we practiced things that we needed individual help on (a lot of people practiced on musictheory.net)  If you feel uncomfortable with anything that your group has been working on, you should practice it and know it by Friday for our quiz. Remember: you will need to know and understand the circle of fifths so get that memorized because not only will it help you on the quiz, but  it's a really useful tool in general :)

Homework: Get late work turned in and bring your music if you are missing any. Also practice things that you need to work on
*Fun story about late work: If you see 0's on your interim for things that you are like 99.9999% positive you turned in... you should still double check your bookbag because I had two zeros on some assignments and I told Mrs. Patchett that I turned them in except then I went back to my seat and found one of them in my bookbag, thus having to do the walk of shame to the late work pile. So basically... if you see zeros, make sure you ACTUALLY turned the Assignments in :)

-The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.
-There is tutorial help available today at lunch in the chorus room as well as Thursday & Friday
-Phantom cast - we have rehearsal today 2:30-5 in chorus room. See calendar for who are called
If you have not paid for your concert attire or fully fundraised your concert attire, please pay the difference by Today. 
Turned in music theory homework today. If you didn't do it, turn it in tomorrow! 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Concert Choir, Tuesday 12/13/16

Rehearsal Notes And Assignments:
-Today we learned about the circle of fifths and reviewed anything we needed to so that we are prepared for a test on Friday! If you feel uncomfortable with anything that your group has been working on, you should practice it and know it by Friday. If you weren't here, be sure to pick up the circle of fifths worksheet tomorrow :)

Homework: Get late work turned in and bring your music if you are missing any

-The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.
-The chorus is having a Spirit Night Tomorrow! Dec 13 at Freddy’s from 5-8. Plan to eat dinner at Freddy’s next Tuesday night.  The flier is on the website and was sent out in an email and a remind text. 
-There is tutorial help available today at lunch in the chorus room as well as Thursday & Friday
-Phantom cast - we have rehearsal today 2:30-5 in chorus room. See calendar for who are called
If you have not paid for your concert attire or fully fundraised your concert attire, please pay the difference by Today. 
Turned in music theory homework today. If you didn't do it, turn it in tomorrow! 

Monday, December 12, 2016

CV- 12/12/16


The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.

The chorus is having a Spirit Night Tomorrow! Dec 13 at Freddy’s from 5-8. Plan to eat dinner at Freddy’s next Tuesday night.  The flier is on the website and was sent out in an email and a remind text.

Men Participating in Men’s Invitational- please come get your music after announcements.
Your numbers are:
Jack- 1
Graham- 2
Alexander- 13
Kyle- 15
Rian- 16
Mac- 17
Michael- 6
Christian- 20
Make sure you don't lose your music :)

There is tutorial help available today at lunch in the chorus room as well as Thursday & Friday

Phantom cast - we have rehearsal today 2:30-5 in chorus room. See calendar for who are called

If you have not paid for your concert attire or fully fundraised your concert attire, please pay the difference by Today.

CV- Trip Deposit is past due please turn in $200

Mrs. Patchett announces missing music

Mrs. Patchett passes out purchased pictures

Turned in music theory homework today. If you didn't do it, turn it in tomorrow!


Today we sat in a circle and had a class reflection. I think it went great :)

Sight Reading: none :)

Homework: none :)

Concert Choir, Monday 12/12/16

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments:
-Today we split into our Music Theory groups again and completed worksheets!
Group 1- Mrs. Patchett gave a mini lesson on intervals and identifying key signatures, then you were supposed to do 30 examples on musictheory.net
Groups 2 & 3- Reveiw worksheets on triads and interval quality
-If you were absent, please pick up your group's worksheet tomorrow (Groups 2 & 3 had four worksheets to do)
-Also make sure you have all of your music turned in!

Homework: Finish your group's assigned class work from today and turn it in tomorrow with your name and roll call number on the top :)

Music Theory: We didnt learn any new Music Theory it was mostly review on intervals, key signatures, and triads.
*If you still need help with this, come to tutorials on Thursday and Friday :)

-The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.
-The chorus is having a Spirit Night on Tuesday Dec 13 at Freddy’s from 5-8. Plan to eat dinner at Freddy’s next Tuesday night. 
-If you have not paid for your concert attire or fully fundraised your concert attire, please pay the difference by Dec. 12.  
-If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up. It is in the back window of the chorus room 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Concert Choir, Thursday 12/08/16

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments:
-Today we split into our Music Theory groups again and completed a worksheet. Mrs. Patchett gave a mini lesson on natural, harmonic, and melodic minors!
Group 1- Time Signature and Meter Worksheet
Groups 2 & 3- Minor Scales Worksheet
-If you were absent, please pick up your group's worksheet tomorrow
-Toward the end of class to work on sight singing, we read a piece of music that was handed out and got through it in our voice parts identifying the solfege in the song

Homework: If you forgot to print your musictheory.net progress report that was due today, please bring it in tomorrow with your name and roll call number at the top :)

Music Theory: We worked on relative minors. When given a minor key, to figure out the key signature, you must first find the relative major. To do this, you simply go up two notes or you go "la ti do". For example, if it says b flat minor, you go up two notes to get D major... except that's wrong!!! Because now that you've found the major key, you have to think to yourself "hmmm.. is there a B flat in a D major scale?" And the answer is no, so you would have to bring the D down a half step to make it D flat major! B flat minor's relative major is D flat major. Now there are three different types of scales and this is how you draw them:
Natural Minor: Draw in Key signature, no accidentals
Harmonic Minor: Draw in Key signature, raise the 7th note a half step ascending and descending
Melodic Minor: Draw in Key signature, raise 6th and 7th note a half step ascending, then make it a natural Minor descending
*If you still need help with this, come to tutorials :)

The Band Concert is 7 pm this Friday 
The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.
Mrs. Patchett and the librarians need help getting music organized- if you can stay after school Thursday or Friday -please see Mrs. Patchett at the end of class. 
The chorus is having a Spirit Night on Tuesday Dec 13 at Freddy’s from 5-8. Plan to eat dinner at Freddy’s next Tuesday night. 
If you have not paid for your concert attire or fully fundraised your concert attire, please pay the difference by Dec. 12. 
Lowes Food - If your family would like to purchase Lowes Food Gift Cards please turn in money by Friday Dec 9. This is a great opportunity to provide money for your student account and purchase christmas gifts for family and friends! 
If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up. It is in the back window of the chorus room

CV- 12/8/16


The Band Concert is 7 pm this Friday

The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.

Mrs. Patchett and the librarians need help getting music organized- if you can stay after school Thursday or Friday -please see Mrs. Patchett at the end of class.

The chorus is having a Spirit Night on Tuesday Dec 13 at Freddy’s from 5-8. Plan to eat dinner at Freddy’s next Tuesday night.

If you have not paid for your concert attire or fully fundraised your concert attire, please pay the difference by Dec. 12.

Lowes Food - If your family would like to purchase Lowes Food Gift Cards please turn in money by Friday Dec 9. This is a great opportunity to provide money for your student account and purchase christmas gifts for family and friends!

If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up. It is in the back window of the chorus room

CV- Trip Deposit was Due last week $200

All State Auditions will be today Dec 6 B Lunch & Thursday Dec 8 All Lunch.  See Website for more details

CV - Your field trip form for the middle school was over a week ago if you have them today please turn them in

Make sure you grabbed a pass for leaving your first period class early tomorrow morning. Please don't lose it.

Wear your chorus t shirt from this year (the blue one) and jeans tomorrow for our middle school performance. Bring a jacket for walking to and from the middle school.

Meet in front of town hall at 6:45 Friday night. However it is you need to stay warm, stay warm. Don't wear a ratty hoodie. Keep it classy please :)

On Saturday, we'll meet in that larking lot in downtown Raleigh discussed earlier. If you need a ride, send a message to the group chat.


-worked on section C
-at "so let it", tenor twos go higher than tenor ones. Don't let this catch you of guard
-ran through section B too
-have a big "k" consanant on "cloud"
-accent "thunder"

Music Down In My Soul
-make sure you go to the second ending the second time around

We walked around the school and SACF in different locations to get a better understanding of the spaces we'll be performing in these next couple of days

Sight Reading: none :)


-learn the first two pages of MLK
-learn pages six and seven for Music Down In My Soul
-on musictheory.net, do 50 chord ID pertinence, print the progress report with your name and roll call number. In the settings turn on all key signatures, inversions off, 7th chords off, only have major, minor, augmented, and diminished on.

CV- 12/7/16


The Band Concert is 7 pm this Friday

The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.

Mrs. Patchett and the librarians need help getting music organized- if you can stay after school Thursday or Friday -please see Mrs. Patchett at the end of class.

The chorus is having a Spirit Night on Tuesday Dec 13 at Freddy’s from 5-8. Plan to eat dinner at Freddy’s next Tuesday night.

If you have not paid for your concert attire or fully fundraised your concert attire, please pay the difference by Dec. 12.

Lowes Food - If your family would like to purchase Lowes Food Gift Cards please turn in money by Friday Dec 9. This is a great opportunity to provide money for your student account and purchase christmas gifts for family and friends!

If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up. It is in the back window of the chorus room

CV- Trip Deposit was Due last week $200

All State Auditions will be today Dec 6 B Lunch & Thursday Dec 8 All Lunch.  See Website for more details

CV - Your field trip form for the middle school was over a week ago if you have them today please turn them in.

For Friday night's performance, wear concert attire and a nice coat (no ratty hoodies, keep it classy). The performance should be over around 8:15.

On Saturday, we'll be singing inside, but will be waking from location to location outdoors, so bring a coat to keep warm.

On December 19th we've been invited to join ITS for an ugly sweater party in the auditorium all of lunch, it should be a lot of fun!


Did some TaVaKiRiDaMa exercises.

-working on part B
-there's no real time signature, so write in bar lines and/or counts for where you think it makes sense to help you read it better
-tomorrow, know section C

Music Down In My Soul
-clarified notes with each section
-basses, measure eight and nine are slightly different from each other
-know pages four and five through the second ending. Anticipate having a singing quiz on this tomorrow.

Lo How A Rose
-clarified the text and ran through the piece

Joy to the World
-reviewed bass line notes
-this will most likely be the song we sing as the tree is lighting Friday night
-as you crescendo, make your vowels taller and don't push the sound from your throat

Carol of the Bells
-reviewed men's pitches in the section right before "Love"
-take the R's out of "merry", "treasure", and "measure"

Cold and Fugue
-went over notes
-ran through the whole piece

Sight Reading: none :)

-know section C of MLK
-know pages four and five of Music Down In My Soul
-complete the music theory work sheet you got in class

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Concert Choir, Wednesday 12/07/16

Happy Wednesday!!

Rehearsal Notes And Assignments:
-We split into our Music Theory groups and did the following
Group 1 (Ms. McGrath's group)- Worked on meter and time signature worksheet
Group 2 (Ms. Patchett's group)- Did 50 naming interval quality questions on MusicTheory.net
Group 3 (Katie and Leah's group)- Did a worksheet on identifying triads and then 50 chord identification questions on musictheory.net

Homework: Print out your musictheory.net progress report to turn them in tomorrow :)

Sight Singing: None

The Band Concert is 7 pm this Friday 
The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.
Mrs. Patchett and the librarians need help getting music organized- if you can stay after school today, Thursday or Friday -please see Mrs. Patchett at the end of class. 
Cast members of Phantom all are called today. Be in the chorus room at 2:30.
If you left your items for Cold & Fugue, please go through the items and pick up your items. This is the last day before they go to lost and found.
If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up. It is in the back window of the chorus room
The link to the winter concert is below!! 


12/7/16 BEG Choir

Wednesday, December 7, 2016
The Band Concert is 7 pm this Friday 
The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.
Mrs. Patchett and the librarians need help getting music organized- if you can stay after school Thursday or Friday -please see Mrs. Patchett at the end of class. 
The chorus is having a Spirit Night on Tuesday Dec 13 at Freddy’s from 5-8. Plan to eat dinner at Freddy’s next Tuesday night. 
If you have not paid for your concert attire or fully fundraised your concert attire, please pay the difference by Dec. 12. 
Lowes Food - If your family would like to purchase Lowes Food Gift Cards please turn in money by Friday Dec 9. This is a great opportunity to provide money for your student account and purchase christmas gifts for family and friends! 
If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up. It is in the back window of the chorus room

Today we worked on music theory. 

Homework:Barlines and Measures Quarter Note Beat 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Concert Choir, Tuesday 12/06/16

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments:
-Today we finished watching the rest of our concert and completed & turned in the reflection
-We also split into our Music Theory groups and completed a worksheet
-Mrs. Patchett taught us about identifying certain intervals on the piano just by listening. For example, she would play two notes and we tried to write down what we thought it was (M2, m2, M3, P4, tritone, etc) I will include a picture of the notes if you were absent! (hopefully it will show up because sometimes it doesn't)

Homework: If you feel like you want to practice with identifying intervals, you can go on Music Theory.net and practice them, but you don't have to :)

No Sight Singing

Theory- Review in our groups (get the worksheet tomorrow if you were absent today)

The Band Concert is 7 pm this Friday 
The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.
Mrs. Patchett and the librarians need help getting music organized- if you can stay after school today, Thursday or Friday -please see Mrs. Patchett at the end of class. 
Cast members of Phantom all are called today. Be in the chorus room at 2:30.
If you left your items for Cold & Fugue, please go through the items and pick up your items. This is the last day before they go to lost and found.
If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up. It is in the back window of the chorus room
The link to the winter concert is below!! 


CV- 12/6/16


The Band Concert is 7 pm this Friday

The Nutcracker opens Thursday and runs through Saturday - it is free and open to the public.

Mrs. Patchett and the librarians need help getting music organized- if you can stay after school today, Thursday or Friday -please see Mrs. Patchett at the end of class.

Cast members of Phantom all are called today. Be in the chorus room at 2:30.

If you left your items for Cold & Fugue, please go through the items and pick up your items. This is the last day before they go to lost and found.

If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up. It is in the back window of the chorus room

CV- Trip Deposit was Due last week $200

All State Auditions will be today Dec 6 B Lunch & Thursday Dec 8 All Lunch.  See Website for more details

CV - Your field trip form for the middle school was over a week ago if you have them today please turn them in.


We got music for singing with Millikan- MLK and Music Down in My Soul.

We finished up our convert reflections today and turned them in. If you need the sheet and/or video of the concert, look at the website under CV.

Sight Reading: none :)


Music Down in My Soul
-know through the end of page three.
-women, if it splits into three parts, soprano twos take the middle note, all altos take the lower note, and soprano ones take the top note. Of it splits into four, do the normal four part spilt.
-men, if it splits into three parts, bass ones take the middle note, bass twos take the lower note, and all tenors sing the top note.

-Focus on section B, page three
-where it says tenor two, all of the men will sing. Same split for this piece, bass ones take the middle note, bass twos take the lower note, and all tenors take the top note.

The reflection of or concert was due in class today.

Monday, December 5, 2016

CV- 12/5/16


Band Concert is 7 pm this Friday

4 students were selected for Wingate Select Choir - Congratulations to: Kaylse Connor, Cameryn Bost, Ben Edwards & Luca Hurst. Congrats! :)

Cast members of Phantom all are called today. Be in the chorus room at 2:30.

If you left your items for Cold & Fugue, please go through the items and pick up your items.

If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up

CV- Trip Deposit was Due last week $200

All State Auditions will be tomorrow Dec 6 B Lunch & Thursday Dec 8 All Lunch.  See Website for more details

CV - Your field trip form for the middle school was over a week ago if you have them today please turn them in

In the future we'll be working on aural skills (ability to hear and wrote down melodies, great and write down intervals, etc), and more music theory.

CV- We're doing a white elephant the last day before break (it's a Wednesday), bring in a gag gift for some holiday fun!

At the Friday school performance, you need to be in jeans and this year's blue chorus T-shirt (short or long sleeved)

The night performance Friday is outside, wear a nice coat and/or scarf over your concert attire (preferably black, white, green, or red). We'll meet at 6:45 in front of town hall. We'll sing our a cappella music.

For Saturday's performance, it's inside but you'll want a coat for asking to and from locations. We'll have to go through security at the governor's mansion. If you bring water with you to the capital building, you'll have to leave it with security.


Today we turned in all our music and began our reflection of the winter concert. We didn't finish it yet though, we'll finish it tomorrow. The sheet and video of the performance should be on the chorus website under CV. Questions A though D person specifically to CV, but E can be about any piece preformed. The sheet will be collected tomorrow at the end of class.

Sight Reading: none :)

Homework: none :)

BEG Choir 12/5/16

Monday, December 5, 2016
Band Concert is 7 pm this Friday 
4 students were selected for Wingate Select Choir - Congratulations to: Kaylse Connor, Cameryn Bost, Ben Edwards & Luca Hurst
Cast members of Phantom all are called today. Be in the chorus room at 2:30.
If you left your items for Cold & Fugue, please go through the items and pick up your items.
If your family donated a poinsettia, please pick it up 
All State Auditions will be tomorrow Dec 6 B Lunch & Thursday Dec 8 All Lunch.  See Website for more details

Today we took at a look at our chorus concert from Friday. 

Please fill out the Winter Concert reflection:


Winter Concert Video:


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Concert Choir, Thursday 12/01/16


-Dress Rehearsal was today from 2:30-5:30 and we rehearsed the entire concert.. make sure you know your spots and the order before tomorrow!

Rehearsal Notes & Assignments:
-We rehearsed all of our songs from memory on the risers today :)

Festival Sanctus- Tall vowels throughout the song, Make sure you aren't rushing, watch the conductor very closely so you can follow dynamics

 12 Days After- "Language was obscene" should be operatic, Be dramatic and use facial expressions, women remember to be softer on the "dobadobadoos", we had mini auditions for the "Actually I kept one of the Drummers" thing

Danny Boy- Don't drag!! Make sure vowels are tall, and work on word memorization, also as always make sure you are watching Ms. Patchett so we can improve dynamics 

Prayer of the Children- Basses don't go flat at the beginning, dynamics play a big part in this song so watch the conductor, tall vowels, listen louder than you sing, remember what the song is about... it will help with the tone of the piece 

Bonnie Lass- We worked on keeping the light and bouncy feel, Watch the conductor, don't speed up on the second falalas (especially tenors), use facial expressions and don't look bored and sad

Homework: Make sure each song is memorized (especially Prayer of the Children)

No Sight Singing

No Theory 


-Tickets - the public link will go live today and the student link will go dark.  You can turn in money for either through the end of school tomorrow.  Otherwise, unpaid for tickets that are reserved will be at Will Call the day of the concert.  You will need to make sure to pick up tickets that have not been paid for by 30 minutes prior to the concert, or the unpaid for reserved tickets will be sold to someone in line. 

-2 Rehearsal Days until the the Winter Concert!!! - Plan to wear your chorus t-shirt Friday if you have one
-You must come Dec 2 dressed and ready to go at 3:20. 
-The boosters feed the students between the 2 concerts. If you have a dietary need, please go to the link on the board (http://tinyurl.com/2016winterfood) and fill out the dietary need so we can accomodate you.  
-New Female Students must get their dresses hemmed before the concert. Ms. Patchett sent out a remind and an email will go out soon with a list of tailors who can hem dresses.  The dresses should be hemmed to the tops of the toes and you should NOT cut the material, but just sew it up the inside of the dress incase your grow. 
-All State Auditions will be Next week Dec 6 B Lunch & Dec 8 All Lunch.  See Website for more details