Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Concert Choir, Tuesday 01/31/17
Sight Singing: Went through the MPA packet and sang the Beginning SAB
Homework: There is an updated 'Homework Calendar' on the chorus website that shows you the month and what you need to review at home each day along with practice tracks. Tonight's Homework......
-I'm Gonna Sing- measures ALL
-Heaven- measures ALL
If you didn't finish the MPA evaluation sheet thing, complete it tonight and bring it tomorrow!
-23 Rehearsals until MPA (ahhhhh!!!)
-Busch Gardens form and $30 deposit due February 1st (TOMORROW)
-Singing Valentines are on sale during lunch... make sure to purchase one for a friend or significant other
Monday, January 30, 2017
Concert Choir, Monday 01/30/17
Sight Singing: Went through the MPA packet and sang the Beginning mixed 2 part
Homework: There is an updated 'Homework Calendar' on the chorus website that shows you the month and what you need to review at home each day along with practice tracks. Tonight's Homework......
-I'm Gonna Sing- measures ALL
-Heaven- measures 31-44
If you didn't finish the MPA evaluation sheet thing, complete it tonight and bring it tomorrow!
-24 Rehearsals until MPA (ahhhhh!!!)
-Busch Gardens form and $30 deposit due February 1st
-Singing Valentines are on sale during lunch... make sure to purchase one for a friend or significant other
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Concert Choir, Friday 01/27/17
Sight Singing: None
Homework: There is an updated 'Homework Calendar' on the chorus website that shows you the month and what you need to review at home each day along with practice tracks. Tonight's Homework......
-I'm Gonna Sing- measures ALL
-Heaven- measures 1-30
If you didn't finish the MPA evaluation sheet thing, complete it over the weekend and bring it on Monday!
-25 Rehearsals until MPA (ahhhhh!!!)
-Busch Gardens form and $30 deposit due February 1st
-Singing Valentines are on sale during lunch... make sure to purchase one for a friend or significant other
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Concert Choir, Thursday 01/26/17
Sight Singing: Practiced Beginning Rythm and Beginning SA Sight Singing as a class today as we would for MPA (no talking, only open the book when told, practice in your head, answer questions about time signature and tricky measures, etc.)
Homework: There is an updated 'Homework Calendar' on the chorus website that shows you the month and what you need to review at home each day along with practice tracks. Tonight's Homework......
-I'm Gonna Sing- measures ALL
-Heaven- measures 1-30
-26 Rehearsals until MPA (ahhhhh!!!)
-Busch Gardens form and $30 deposit due February 1st
-Singing Valentines will be on sale during lunch... make sure to purchase one for a friend or significant other
-We will have a substitute on Tomorrow . We will be splitting into sectionals for half of the class and then doing an activity. Please bring earbuds :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Concert Choir, Wednesday 01/25/17
Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we learned a new singing Valentine (Can't Help Falling In Love With You) and then we practiced Sight Singing using an old MPA book from 2000. We went through 'Sing Me to Heaven' reviewing everything we have already done through page 3. Make sure to number your measures in the music!! We also got new seats today so if you were absent, be sure to ask Mrs. Patchett for the seating chart tomorrow :)
Sight Singing: Practiced as a class today as we would for MPA (no talking, only open the book when told, practice in your head, answer questions about time signature and tricky measures, etc.)
Homework: There is an updated 'Homework Calendar' on the chorus website that shows you the month and what you need to review at home each day along with practice tracks. Tonight's Homework......
-I'm Gonna Sing- measures 43-53
-Heaven- measures 19-30
-27 Rehearsals until MPA (ahhhhh!!!)
-Busch Gardens form and $30 deposit due February 1st
-Singing Valentines will be on sale during lunch... make sure to purchase one for a friend or significant other
-We will have a substitute on Friday. We will be splitting into sectionals!
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Concert Choir, Tuesday 1/17/17
-Mrs. Patchett finished calling in people for Sight Singing and the rest of us continued working through our music theory review packet for the exam
-When everyone was done Sight signing, we did a brief Music Theory review as a class working through the packet as well as any questions people had!
Sight Singing: People finished their Sight Singing exam
Theory: We worked through the packet and discussed the following things as a class...
-Note Naming
-Key Signatures
-Interval/Interval Quality
-Minor Scales
-Circle of 5ths
-Chord Progressions (group 3)
Homework: Make sure you have completed (and understand) your Music Theory packet and the MusicTheory.net exercises included in the packet. It is due on Thursday before our exam! Also, turn in any late work BEFORE the exam :)
CV- 1/17/17
On February 1st, all money for the Nashville trip will be due. An email will be sent out soon with an invoice saying what you owe.
Exams begin tomorrow. Please bring a #2 pencil to your chorus exam. You must also bring any late work. This will be the last day to accept late work for 2nd quarter.
CV: THIS THURSDAY You all must meet at White Memorial Presbyterian Church at 5:15 pm. Please eat dinner before you come. We will have a limited amount of time to warm-up and prepare our music. Please bring your copies of Music Down in my Soul and MLK in a black folder. Gift and Village will be memorized. Dress in concert attire!
All - Missing Music - it will be entered as fine on your chorus acct. You need to turn it in by tomorrow. (Including music for Men's Invitational)
People made up their quizzes today in class if they had not previously taken them.
The Gift to Be Simple
-we ran the music with and without sheet music to better memorize it for the concert Thursday.
-y'all we sound dead. Get hype. Add energy. Use dynamics, and crescendo and decrescendo.
-at "when true simplicity is gained", altos don't overpower the tenors, they're more important at this part because they have the melody.
-the dynamics are supposed to be this: first verse-piano, second verse-pianissimo, third verse-forte.
It Takes A Whole Village
-basses please count at measures 45 through 84, because the other voice parts depend on your line to stay in rhythm.
-we ran through this piece a lot, focusing on dynamics and where to place emphasis.
Sight Reading: none :)
Homework: finish the review packet for tomorrow's written exam, and be prepared to sight read tomorrow if you haven't gone already.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Concert Choir, Friday 11/13/17
-As people were called into Mrs. Patchett's office to sight sing, the rest of us worked through the music theory review packet for our exam next Thursday. Seniors- if you are exempt from exams, make sure you bring something to class to keep you occupied!! (Same goes for people who think they will finish their packet early)
Sight Singing: We started the Sight Singing exam
Homework: Get your Busch Gardens Field Trip Form signed... it's due on February 1st. If your parent wants to chaperone the trip, make sure they know that chaperones are taken first come first serve so tell them to get the form turned in ASAP!
Theory: Worked on packets based on our theory groups (1, 2, or 3)
The Men's Invitational Concert rehearsal is at UNC at 6pm tonight and rehearsal tommorow is at 8:30am. If anyone wishes to attend the concert, it will be at 5:30pm in Hill Hall at the UNC Chapel Hill Campus. It's $5 to get in, show up and support our HSHS CHorus men!
9-10 Select Choir Participants - We will begin rehearsals next week. Mrs. Patchett will give you your music by the end of the week.
All Choirs - Colla Voce will be performing with Milikin University Choir at Panther Creek High School Jan 19 at 7:30 at White Memorial Presbyterian Church in Raleigh. This is a Concert you do not want to miss. It is free and open to the public
All Choirs - Singing Valentines Sales will begin the first day of 2nd semester at Lunch in the Cafeteria. Singing Valentines are $3 and you receive a song and bar of chocolate.
Phantom Cast - Make sure you are checking the Phantom Blog Calendar for rehearsals.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Concert Choir, Thursday 11/12/17
-We received the feild trip form for our trip to Busch Gardens on April 29! All forms are due by February 1st. Then Mrs. Patchett handed out Music Theory review packets depending on our groups (1,2, or 3) People got called in for Sight Singing and the rest of us worked through our packets. Seniors- if you are exempt from exams, make sure you bring something to class to keep you occupied!! (Same goes for people who think they will finish their packet early)
Sight Singing: We started the Sight Singing exam
Homework: If your parent wants to chaperone the Busch Gardens trip, make sure they know that chaperones are taken first come first serve so tell them to get the form turned in ASAP!
Theory: We got our Music Theory review packet... due the day of the exam (Thursday)
Men participating in Men’s Invitational - you have a lunch rehearsal Friday ALL LUNCH - plan on bringing your lunch and we will work on our music for All Carolina Male Choral Invitational
9-10 Select Choir Participants - We will begin rehearsals next week. Mrs. Patchett will give you your music by the end of the week.
All Choirs - Colla Voce will be performing with Milikin University Choir at Panther Creek High School Jan 19 at 7:30 at White Memorial Presbyterian Church in Raleigh. This is a Concert you do not want to miss. It is free and open to the public
All Choirs - Singing Valentines Sales will begin the first day of 2nd semester at Lunch in the Cafeteria. Singing Valentines are $3 and you receive a song and bar of chocolate.
Phantom Cast - Make sure you are checking the Phantom Blog Calendar for rehearsals.
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Concert Choir, Thursday 01/05/17
*We got a new song today called 'Sing Me To Heaven' by Daniel E. Gawthrop. Gawthrop wrote this song while his wife was dying and it's a very chillingly beautiful piece. This is a possibility for one of our MPA songs! :)
Sing Me To Heaven (new song)- Pages 1-3 measures 1-25
-Crescendo in measure 2 on 'hearts'
-Lean on 'chambers' and 'truth' in measures 3 and 4
-Make sure the 'v' is pronounced and sung with voice in measures 5 and 6
-Men come in on the 't' of the ladies' 'mute' in measure 8
-Lean on all words that are a dotted quarter note
-Silence after silence!!! (Put a break in between silence and memory in measure 10)
-In measure 9 put the 's' on voices during the quarter rest
-Make sure you're holding 'wraps' for 2 beats in measure 15
-Breathe between 'me' and 'in' measure 17
-Stop singing and pause in measure 18
-Decrescendo on 'lullaby'
Hallelujah Amen- Pages 2-4 measures 1-15
-We learned new measures 10-15 & went over pitches
-Basses start out with the melody
-It's pronounced 'ahmen' not 'ayemen'
-Altos have similar rhythm in measure 3 as the basses started with
-Altos remember to hold the 'jah' at the end of measure 5 for 1.5 beats
-Make sure the 'men' at the end of 'Amen' isn't too strong, remember to back off
-The rhythms tend to get reused throughout the song so a lot of your rhythms will be repeated
I'm Gonna Sing- Pages 2-5 measures 1-26
-We reviewed the beginning
-Men remember to eliminate all 'r's' and end consonants at the beginning
-We sang it on a brightness scale level 3
-Should be very tall and round
-This song should be sung with passion & building excitement in the 'oh my jesus'
-'Til he comes' in measure 18 should get quieter
-Basses make sure you aren't rushing your little solo thing from measures 20-26
-Accent the 'oh yeah my lord'
-Strong 'd' at the end of 'lord'
-No 'r' in 'lord' it should be 'lawd'
Sight Singing: We practiced Sight Singing for MPA as well as our test next week. If you want to practice at home, go to Sightreadingfactory.com and practice at a soprano level 4. I will include a picture of the class example we did today, sorry if its blurry.. I was crouched on the floor
No Homework :)
No Theory
-Men participating in Men’s Invitational - you have a lunch rehearsal TOMORROW ALL LUNCH - plan on bringing your lunch and we will work on our music for All Carolina Male Choral Invitational
-9-10 Select Choir Participants - We will begin rehearsals next week. Mrs. Patchett will give you your music by the end of the week.
-The All State list will be posted by Friday at 2:20 this week.
-Concert Choir - We have an informance Tuesday (a week from today) at 7 pm in the Media Center.
-All Choirs - There is a parent meeting Tuesday at 7 pm in the Media Center. Please ask your parents to attend. Concert choir will be giving an informance.
-All Choirs - Colla Voce will be performing with Milikin University Choir at Panther Creek High School Jan 19 at 7:30 at White Memorial Presbyterian Church in Raleigh. This is a Concert you do not want to miss. It is free and open to the public
All Choirs - Singing Valentines Sales will begin the first day of 2nd semester at Lunch in the Cafeteria. Singing Valentines are $3 and you receive a song and bar of chocolate.
-Phantom Cast - Make sure you are checking the Phantom Blog Calendar for rehearsals.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Concert Choir, Wednesday 01/04/17
Rehearsal Notes and Assignments:
*Mrs. Patchett pulled up 2 groups of eight (2 from each voice part) and quizzed us on Hallelujah Amen
Omnia Sol- Pages 3-10 measures 1-59
-Everyone should've learned pages 3-5 last night so we went over that
-In measure 18, 'be' is a 16th note so don't sing it like an 8th note
-Strong 'd' at the end of 'sway'd' and 'staid' on page 6
-Crescendo from measure 23 to 24
-Altos remember your melody changes in measure 29 it's not like measure 25
-Below are the correct ways to pronounce the Latin text in measures 23-30 (write these in your music)
Omnia Sol: Ahm-nee-ahh-soul
Temperat: Temp-eh-raht (flip the 'r')
Absens in Remota: Ahb-sens een reh-mo-tah (flip the 'r')
Ama me fideliter: Ahma meh fee-dil-eeter
Fidem meam noto: Fee-dem mehm noh-toh
Hallelujah Amen- Pages 2-3 measures 1-9
-We should've learned it last night so we reviewed it
-Basses start out with the melody
-It's pronounced 'ahmen' not 'ayemen'
-Altos have similar rhythm in measure 3 as the basses started with
-Altos remember to hold the 'jah' at the end of measure 5 for 1.5 beats
-Make sure the 'men' at the end of 'Amen' isn't too strong, remember to back off
-The rhythms tend to get reused throughout the song so a lot of your rhythms will be repeated
I'm Gonna Sing- Pages 2-4 measures 1-18
-It's been a while since we have gone over this piece so we reviewed what we knew
-Men remember to eliminate all 'r's' and end consonants at the beginning
-We sang it on a brightness scale level 3
-Should be very tall and round
-This song should be sung with passion & building excitement in the 'oh my jesus'
-'Til he comes' in measure 18 should get quieter
Sight Singing: We practiced Sight Singing for MPA and our test next week. If you want to practice at home, go to Sightreadingfactory.com and practice at a soprano level 4
Homework: Learn Omnia Sol pages 3-10 in your voice part and be prepared to get called on to sing it in class tomorrow. (Make sure you know it because last night I went over mine for Hallelujah Amen but I didn't know it well enough and then I got called on today and it was really rough.. so learn your music folks!) The link to practice track is below :)
No Theory
Men participating in Men’s Invitational - you have a lunch rehearsal Thursday and Friday ALL LUNCH - plan on bringing your lunch and we will work on our music for All Carolina Male Choral Invitational
9-10 Select Choir Participants - We will begin rehearsals next week. Mrs. Patchett will give you your music by the end of the week.
The All State list will be posted by Friday at 2:20 this week.
Concert Choir - We have an informance Tuesday (a week from today) at 7 pm in the Media Center.
All Choirs - There is a parent meeting Tuesday at 7 pm in the Media Center. Please ask your parents to attend. Concert choir will be giving an informance.
All Choirs - Colla Voce will be performing with Milikin University Choir at Panther Creek High School Jan 19 at 7:30 at White Memorial Presbyterian Church in Raleigh. This is a Concert you do not want to miss. It is free and open to the public
All Choirs - Singing Valentines Sales will begin the first day of 2nd semester at Lunch in the Cafeteria. Singing Valentines are $3 and you receive a song and bar of chocolate.
Phantom Cast - Make sure you are checking the Phantom Blog Calendar for rehearsals.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Concert Choir, Tuesday 01/03/17
Rehearsal Notes and Assignments:
-We got 2 new songs today that we will be practicing (potentially for MPA)
Omnia Sol- Pages 5-7 measures 15-30
-This portion of the song is in the key of D flat Major
-In measure 18, 'be' is a 16th note so don't sing it like an 8th note
-Strong 'd' at the end of 'sway'd' and 'staid' on page 6
-Crescendo from measure 23 to 24
-Altos remember your melody changes in measure 29 it's not like measure 25
-Below are the correct ways to pronounce the Latin text in measures 23-30 (write these in your music)
Omnia Sol: Ahm-nee-ahh-soul
Temperat: Temp-eh-raht (flip the 'r')
Absens in Remota: Ahb-sens een reh-mo-tah (flip the 'r')
Ama me fideliter: Ahma meh fee-dil-eeter
Fidem meam noto: Fee-dem mehm noh-toh
Hallelujah Amen- Pages 2-3 measures 1-9
-Basses start out with the melody
-It's pronounced 'ahmen' not 'ayemen'
-Altos have similar rhythm in measure 3 as the basses started with
-Altos remember to hold the 'jah' at the end of measure 5 for 1.5 beats
-Make sure the 'men' at the end of 'Amen' isn't too strong, remember to back off
-The rhythms tend to get reused throughout the song so a lot of your rhythms will be repeated
No Sight Singing
Homework: Learn Omnia Sol pages 3-5 in your voice part and be prepared to get called on to sing it in class tomorrow. Review and make sure you know Hallelujah, Amen measures 1-9 by tomorrow as well. Practice tracks are available online so be sure to use them.. I will include the link for the Omnia Sol and Hallelujah Amen practice tracks :)
For Halleljah Amen search "hallelujah amen from judas maccabaeus handel matthew curtis" on Youtube
No Theory