Sight Singing: Intermediate Rhythm 2 and Proficient SAB from the 2015 Sight Singing booklet
No Theory
No Homework
-3 rehearsals left until MPA
Singing Valentine Sales are TODAY at lunch. Spread the word! Tell all your friends to purchase them!
Phantom of the Opera Tickets are on sale to the general public now. Get your tickets before they are all sold out! The show is Feb 23, 24, & 25. The shows are a 7 pm each night and there is a matinee on Feb 25 at 2 pm in addition to the 7 pm show.
Governor’s School Auditionees - see Mrs. Patchett before the end of the day.
Curriculum Fair is a really important event for recruitment for next year’s choirs. If you have a friend who goes to HSHS and might be interested in auditioning, have them come by the chorus table during curriculum fair for more information. We will also have many rising 9th graders to come by and we need enthusiastic and mature students who will encourage other students to sign up for more information about chorus. There will be sign-up link sent out on remind if you would like to help. Curriculum fair is Feb 16 (that’s next Thursday) from 5-7:30.
Mark your calendars - we will have a Spirit Night at Blaze Pizza on Monday March 6. That’s MPA day! After a great day at MPA, you can go to BLAZE PIZZA and have dinner.
CV - All CV TRIP PAYMENTS should be in at this point. If you have not turned in your payments, you need to email Mrs. Patchett ASAP
All All State Field Trip Forms should be in at this point. If you have not turned in your All State Field Trip Forms, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.
We had a singing quiz Wednesday. If you missed it, you will need to make it up today.
Way Over In Beulah Lan'
-cleaning measures 106 through 117
-accent the "yes" in measure 109 by using the rest (altos and soprano twos)
-I got checked out at this point so ... Not really sure😅
Sight Reading: sight reading booklets from 2000 at intermediate level SATB and advanced level SATB
Homework: get your MPA field trip forms signed and turned in by Feb. 16th!
Singing Valentine Sales are tomorrow and THURSDAY at lunch. Spread the word! Tell all your friends to purchase them!
Mark your calendars - we will have a Spirit Night at Blaze Pizza on Monday March 6. That’s MPA day! After a great day at MPA, you can go to BLAZE PIZZA and have dinner.
CV - All CV TRIP PAYMENTS should be in at this point. If you have not turned in your payments, you need to email Mrs. Patchett ASAP
All -All All State Field Trip Forms should be in at this point. If you have not turned in your All State Field Trip Forms, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.
We will have a singing quiz TOMORROW- any section in either MPA piece is up for grabs to be quizzed on.
Ran all singing valentines.
Way Over In Beulah Lan'
-we recorded the piece to send to other choral teachers for their opinions
-breathe at measure 118 and 126
-close the "n" in measures 90 and 42 and the very beginning
-men be careful if the rhythm in measure 31, the quarter rest isn't as short as it seems like it should be. The same goes for sopranos in measure 50
-there's no cut off/break in measure 140
Sure On This Shining Night
-"earth" in measure 36 is the apex of the phrase
-working on dynamics and discussed which words are more important than others
-the vowel for the word "shine" should be "sha" as in "aw, man"
-there's no breath between "sure" and "shining"
-make sure to listen to each other so that our vowels match
-don't chew the vowels and remove the diphthongs in words like "shining", and generally throughout the text
Sight Reading: sight reading booklets from 2000 at intermediate level SSA, with sopranos on the first like, altos on the middle line, and men on the bottom line.
Homework: singing quiz tomorrow! Prepare for both MPA pieces.