Thursday, April 27, 2017

Concert Choir, Thursday 04/27

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we talked about Busch Gardens! We got a sheet that has the itinerary and rules for Saturday! Basically the rules are check in with your chaperone every hour, always be in a group of 3 or more, and don't do stupid stuff that would misrepresent the HSHS choral department. If you were absent today, make sure to pick up the form tomorrow! :)

No Theory

No Sight Singing

No Homework 

-All State Students, make sure you have the lunch rehearsal dates through May 4.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to see Mrs. Patchett for the dates.
Basket Raffle Information
-Tomorrow is a fantastic day to bring in items for the baskets!!! Remember to please bring in your items by Friday, April 28
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket
-Seniors - Scholarship Information is available on the front table.  Applications are due by April 28
-Turn in your all state field trip forms asap.
-A schedule for all state has been emailed to parents, have them check it to see if they're available to chaperone.
-Tickets for the Spring Concert can be purchased online!! Order them now from this link:

-Below is a picture of the calendar for seniors and 2017-2018 Colla Voce (hopefully you can see it.. idk sometimes it doesn't work when I try to put a picture on here)

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

CV- 4/26/17


Does anyone have anything to contribute to the baskets?

Basket Raffle Information - please bring in your items by Friday, April 28 (that is in 2 days!)
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket

Seniors - Scholarship Information is available on the front table.  Applications are due by April 28. That is in two days… this Friday

All State - Women have a rehearsal B LUNCH THURSDAY & Men have a rehearsal A LUNCH FRIDAY

ALL CHOIR - This is everyone in choir. Men you have a rehearsal A LUNCH TOMORROW IN THE CHORUS ROOM. This is the only rehearsal for all men together.

ALL CHOIR - This is everyone in choir.  EVERYONE has a rehearsal B LUNCH ON FRIDAY in the auditorium.

  • Irish Blessing~
  • Ingonyama~   (I'm 99% sure I spelled it wrong, so look at tomorrow's blog for this link. For now, fill out the others :))
  • It Takes A Whole Villare~ (WITH A CAPITAL "V")
  • Photos for Lineage~ (Due May 4th!)
  • Dietary Needs (fill this out again even if you filled it out last concert)~


We did two rhythm dictation examples, which were collected as a completion grade.

-sang on a staccato "doot" cleaning the rhythm and notes, not focusing on text
-sopranos make sure you go up instead of down in measure 32
-tenors, don't rush from measure 45 to the end

Lux Aurumque
-sang in section circles (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) to better hear one another, and listen to tuning and vowels
-put the "t" in "turn" together at the end
-"angeli"is a little off with intonation, as well as "calida". Releasing your jaw a little more should help.
-meet in the middle on how far backward and forward our vowels are
-don't add a dipthong between the "ca" and "nunt" of "canunt"
-tenors, don't have "edge" with your vowels in your headvoice. Keep your "oo" vowels as "oo" instead of accidentally switching to an "ee" vowel. Lifting your soft pallet should help.
-altos, try not to sing so heavy on "angeli" and generally page five
-sopranos don't shift your vowel from "oo" to "ee" as your go higher
-pucker on the "i" of "angeli"

-cross your 2nd arm on the second beat of measure one
-we stood in a circle singing this piece and watched each other doing the movements to make sure we were doing the same thing at the same time

Sight Reading: none (thank goodness)

Homework: turn in anything you haven't turned in already (music, field trip forms, stuff for the chocolate basket, etc.)

Concert Choir, Wednesday 04/26/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we worked on Sing Me To Heaven in our mixed spots and where we will be standing for Busch Gardens on Saturday. Then we went through I'm gonna sing (remember not to be too loud) and after that we tried to start memorizing Hallelujah Amen... the song should have a slight staccato-ish feel to it because when Handel was around, the piano was not invented so we should sort of mimic the sound of a harpsichord which plucks strings rather than hit them with a hammer like a piano! Then at the end of class we quickly ran through the men's and women's pieces :)

No Theory

No Sight Singing

No Homework 

-All State Students, make sure you have the lunch rehearsal dates through May 4.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to see Mrs. Patchett for the dates.
Basket Raffle Information
-Tomorrow is a fantastic day to bring in items for the baskets!!! Remember to please bring in your items by Friday, April 28
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket
-Seniors - Scholarship Information is available on the front table.  Applications are due by April 28
-Turn in your all state field trip forms asap.
-A schedule for all state has been emailed to parents, have them check it to see if they're available to chaperone.
-Below is a picture of the calendar for seniors and 2017-2018 Colla Voce (hopefully you can see it.. idk sometimes it doesn't work when I try to put a picture on here)

Monday, April 24, 2017

Concert Choir, Monday 04/24/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we mainly worked on I'm Gonna Sing and we tried it with the added people to tenor and the small group. We need to work on maintaining high energy while not drowning out either the tenor small group or the basses when they have the melody line. We also worked on Sing Me To Heaven improving vowels and notes as well as phrasing! Then we sang through Irish Blessing (make sure you memorize it). At the end of class we watched a video of the South African piece (I don't know how to spell it) and started working on dance moves. It's pretty easy so if you weren't here it's basically like a sweepy thing with your arms while you step forward and backward with your right leg and then it switches to like a step to the right step to the left and then pat pat pat pat pat pat your thigh and then stomp and elephant sweep with your arm! :)

No Theory

No Sight Singing

No Homework 

-All State Students, make sure you have the lunch rehearsal dates through May 4.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to see Mrs. Patchett for the dates.
Basket Raffle Information
- please bring in your items by Friday, April 28
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket
-Seniors - Scholarship Information is available on the front table.  Applications are due by April 28
-Turn in your all state field trip forms asap.
-A schedule for all state has been emailed to parents, have them check it to see if they're available to chaperone.
-Below is a picture of the calendar for seniors and 2017-2018 Colla Voce

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Concert Choir, Thursday 04/20/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we mainly worked on Sing Me To Heaven reviewing the whole song and stopping (a lot) to fix things. A few things that we reviewed and fixed are: Ladies spin the sound and make sure you are matching vowels, men work on phrasing and taller vowels, everyone work on not breathing unless you're supposed to and crescendo on held notes! At the end of class the men sang part of their piece and ladies worked on Lineage really briefly. :)

No Theory

No Sight Singing

No Homework 

-All State Students, make sure you have the lunch rehearsal dates through May 4.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to see Mrs. Patchett for the dates.
Basket Raffle Information
- please bring in your items by Friday, April 28
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket
-Seniors - Scholarship Information is available on the front table.  Applications are due by April 28
-Turn in your all state field trip forms asap.
-A schedule for all state has been emailed to parents, have them check it to see if they're available to chaperone.
-CV AND CONCERT CHOIR LISTS FOR 2017-2018 WILL BE POSTED TOMORROW AT 2:18! Remember to remain humble and dignified no matter what the outcome is. Everyone is wonderful and regardless of what the lists say, let's make next year great!! Good Luck :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

CV- 4/19/17


All State Students, make sure you have the lunch rehearsal dates through May 4.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to see Mrs. Patchett for the dates.

Basket Raffle Information
- please bring in your items by Friday, April 28
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket

Seniors - Scholarship Information is available on the front table.  Applications are due by April 28
If you're applying for both scholarships, you need only two recommendation letters, but do attach copies of your two letters to each application

Turn in field trip forms for our May 2 performance

Please turn in your copy of Beulah. Pretty please.

All Students in Choir will have all choir rehearsals A LUNCH THURSDAY & The location is the choir room.  We will rehearse our all choir music for the spring concert

Clair and Izzy lead really nice warm-ups today


Bach(Again)/Come Sweet Death
-went over notes for all of page two, clarifying the tricky intervals/jumps
-in measure 13, sing "I am" as eighth notes
-altos watch out for the tricky D Flat in measure sixteen
-ran page one, fixing note errors
-the "st" of "rest" is on the and of beat three in measure four
-learned the movements for the piece

Sight Reading: none :)

Homework: none :)

CV- 4/18/17


All State Students, make sure you have the lunch rehearsal dates through May 4.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to see Mrs. Patchett for the dates.

Basket Raffle Information
- please bring in your items by Friday, April 28
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket

Seniors - Scholarship Information is available on the front table.  Applications are due by April 28

Turn in your all state field trip forms asap.

A schedule for all state has been emailed to parents, have them check it to see if they're available to chaperone.

If you haven't turned in Beulah yet, please do as soon as you can. I'm getting tired of typing this every day :)

Fran lead some pretty fun warm ups today!


"Yi yo le ingon yama"
-reviewed each individual section's line for part A
-learned section B (basses and soprano lines change, alto and tenor lines remain the same)

Irish Blessing
-don't chew the phrase "at your"
-need more of the tenor line on "back"; the "ck" of "back" goes on the and of beat two
-basses accent the rhythm on "rains fall soft"
-soprano twos bring out the B natural on "again" at "until we meet again"
-tenors drive the start of the "amen" section
-generally speaking, don't drag the song
Broke into sectionals for Men & Women's pieces
-Women learned from the bottom of page 7 to the bottom of 11
-bring out the soprano two like on "grain" in measure 19
-really accent where accents are written in
-we clarified notes for the "singing" hot mess at the bottom of page seven and top of eight

Lux Aurumque
-crescendo a little on "lux" on page one
-men come in together at measure 30

It Takes A Whole Village
-reviewed the piece
-clarified the rounds and how many times each section sings their individual phrases before they change

Sight Reading: none :)

Homework: none :)

Concert Choir, Wednesday 04/19/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we worked on the men's and women's pieces for about 30 minutes. Then we worked on the South African song reviewing section A and learning section B (altos and Tenors have the same part as section A in section B). At the end of class we reviewed Sing Me To Heaven and I'm Gonna Sing since we will be performing them at Busch Gardens. They weren't exactly fantastic so prepare to work on them tomorrow as well!!

No Theory

No Sight Singing

No Homework 

-All State Students, make sure you have the lunch rehearsal dates through May 4.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to see Mrs. Patchett for the dates.
Basket Raffle Information
- please bring in your items by Friday, April 28
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket
-Seniors - Scholarship Information is available on the front table.  Applications are due by April 28
-Turn in your all state field trip forms asap.
-A schedule for all state has been emailed to parents, have them check it to see if they're available to chaperone.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Concert Choir, Monday 04/17/17

Welcome Back :)

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we spent the majority of class working on Il Est Bel Et Bon and altos specifically had a lot of trouble with the rhythm on the last page so what we did was turn all of the half notes to quarter notes and quarter notes to eighth notes which made it easier to figure out on Ta ka di mi and eventually we put all of the parts together on words. Sopranos and Tenors have the same part but at different times and altos and basses have similar (but not identical) parts. After singing the whole thing through on words, we sang Irish Blessing and each part ran through their notes individually while everyone else hummed along!

No Theory

No Sight Singing

No Homework

-All-State students, if you were absent today, go see Mrs. Patchett for an updated rehearsal calendar
-ALL CHOIR REHEARSALS Thursday and Friday B Lunch
-We leave for Busch Gardens a week from Saturday... make sure all money is turned in by now

Friday, April 7, 2017

Concert Choir, Friday 04/07/17

Rehearsal Notes: Today Mrs. Smith was here! We did some new warm ups that were pretty neat and they helped with breath control and tone quality. Then we sang Omnia Sol and reviewed page 11 specifically... remember to hold notes for their full length and crescendo on notes longer than quarters. After Omnia Sol, we tried to sing It Takes a Whole Village but everyone got kind of confused including Mrs. Smith so we just gave up on that one. Then we took out Il Est Bel Et Bon and learned notes for the first half of the last page! Sopranos and basses and tenors all have the same rhythm and pattern but at different times and altos get the cool super easy "co co co" on C. For the last 20 mins of class we went to the auditorium to watch Broadway themed dance performances :)

No Sight Singing

No Theory

-All State lunch rehearsals will resume after Spring Break
-Busch Gardens Money was due today
-Purchase basket items for the spring fundraiser if you get a chance
-Have a super fun and safe spring break everyone!!!!!!! :D

CV- 4/6/17


All State Students: Lunch rehearsals will resume after spring break

All Choir Lunch rehearsals will begin the week after spring break during the fine arts assigned tutorial time

CV - Don’t forget to turn in your Field Trip Form for singing at the Town Council.

Concert Choir: final money for Busch Gardens is due tomorrow (checks only), if you have turn in cash, please wait until the Monday after Spring Break.

Basket Raffle is the next big fundraiser.   We will start collecting donations for baskets on Tuesday, April 18th---we are announcing before break, so if anyone wants to bargain shop during break they can!  All items are due April 28.

The Themes are:
CV: Chocolate
Concert Choir: (two baskets) Outdoor Fun, including Bar-B-Q/Grilling   for one basket and Movie/Game Night for the other basket
Beginning Choir: (two baskets)  Spa/Pampering Basket and a Beach Party Basket


Lux Aurumque
-rehearsed in section circles (S1, S2, A1, A2, T1, T2, B1, B2)
-make the "L" quicker on the word "lux" page 1
-more of the A# from soprano 2's and tenors in measure 29
-hammer out the crescendo in measure 24
-alto be pianissimo at measure 24
-grow into forte in measures 26-28 so we can arrive strong and proud in measure 29
-be mezzo forte by measure 26
-make "li" bright and tall
-the "tum"'s on page 7 are a half note. Don't hold them forever. Unless you're a soprano because then you literally do
-pay close attention to dynamics pretty
-more alto 1 on the very last chord (measure 48)

-ran through the whole piece
-the E in measure 45 is out of tune. If you make the E taller, it'll fix itself. Instead of "key", sing "keh"
-Do the accents on page 8 and 9 (less legato)
-find a middle ground between staccato and legato for accent
-basses crescendo in measure 38
-don't speed up measures 37 and 38
-consonants for days in this piece, pleaseee
-pay attention to dynamics especially the piano to mezzo forte dynamic change
-sopranos don't clench your jaw on the high notes in measure 19-22
-in measure 27, "kum" is forte, and the "Gav" is piano
-more energy and a fuller sound in measure 39

Sight Reading: none

Homework: none

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Concert Choir, Thursday 04/06/17

Rehearsal Notes: Today Mrs. Delauney was here and first, we sang through Irish Blessing which sounded great! Remember if you have moving notes, make sure they are loud enough to be heard because it really makes the song beautiful. Don't breathe between "always" and "at your back" on page 2! We took out Il Est Bel Et Bon and worked on the words on page 4. We were able to sing through the song until the last page. Then we took out Muerto and worked on the pronounciation and notes specifically the parts where we sang solfege yesterday. At the end of class, we ran through Omnia Sol and fixed a few spotty note problems.

No Sight Singing

No Theory

-All State lunch rehearsals will resume after Spring Break
-1 day until spring break!! :)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

CV- 4/5/17


All State Students: Lunch rehearsals will resume after spring break

All Choir Lunch rehearsals will begin the week after spring break during the fine arts assigned tutorial time (Thursdays A lunch and Fridays B lunch)

CV - Don’t forget to turn in your Field Trip Form for singing at the Town Council.

Basket Raffle is the next big fundraiser.   We will start collecting donations for baskets on Tuesday, April 18th---we are announcing before break, so if anyone wants to bargain shop during break they can!  All items are due April 28.

The Themes are:
CV: Chocolate
Concert Choir: (two baskets) Outdoor Fun, including Bar-B-Q/Grilling   for one basket and Movie/Game Night for the other basket
Beginning Choir: (two baskets)  Spa/Pampering Basket and a Beach Party Basket

Tri-M Invitations & Applications were passed out today.

Current Tri-M seniors- it is 10$ for a cord, and it needs to be payed for with a check written out to the "HSHS Band Boosters"

We WILL meet expectations when Mrs. Patchett isn't here the next two days.

Turn in your copy of Beulah if you haven't already.


Lux Aurumque
-air, space, and support are key factors in singing the soprano line piano
-the word "angeli" should be pronounced "ahn-gel-ee" in measures 28 and 29, top of page 6
-tenors, your page turn from  page 5 to 6 are a Fa, La, Do jump
-connect the "t" of "canunt" to the next word, which is "et"
-put the emphasis on "ca" in the word "canunt" at the bottom of page 5
-men, pucker on "Li" and don't have too much tension in your tongue
-crescendo "pu" and decrescendo "ra" at the bottom of page 4
-soprano ones, breathe before your F# in measure 19, and soprano twos, carry your A
-decrescendo the first two beats of measure 21 and crescendo the second two beats
-make sure your vowels match, especially sopranos at page four. Release the tension for a pure "oo" vowel
-measure 24 should be pianissimo
-men, match your "ah" vowels on the word "canunt"

-practice the text on your own so you become more comfortable and we're able to increase the tempo
-Max will be salty if we don't all roll our R's throughout this piece, so please put in the effort

Sight Reading: none

-practice the text for Veniki on your own
-get your field trip forms for singing at the Town Council signed

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

CV- 4/4/17


All State Students: Lunch rehearsals will resume after spring break

All Choir Lunch rehearsals will begin the week after spring break during the fine arts assigned tutorial time

CV - Don’t forget to turn in your Field Trip Form for singing at the Town Council.

Basket Raffle is the next big fundraiser.   We will start collecting donations for baskets on Tuesday, April 18th---we are announcing before break, so if anyone wants to bargain shop during break they can!  All items are due April 28.

The Themes are:

CV: Chocolate

Concert Choir: (two baskets) Outdoor Fun, including Bar-B-Q/Grilling   for one basket and Movie/Game Night for the other basket

Beginning Choir: (two baskets)  Spa/Pampering Basket and a Beach Party Basket

Please bring in items for the baskets for you class.  You can bring in inexpensive items, or a small money donation for the basket. You do not necessarily have to spend money to contribute to the basket.  You can go to local businesses and ask for donations to the basket. Think big or small! You could put in a free weekend vacation rental for the Beach Party Basket or ask for a massage envy gift card donation for the Spa Basket.  You could get luxury chocolates for the chocolate basket or ask for free donation tickets to the movies for the movie basket.  Be creative and have FUN with your donations toward your basket.  Feel free to donate toward baskets that are not assigned to your choir if you have something that would be good to contribute toward the basket.

ONCE we have all the baskets together, we will have multiple competitions among choirs and students to sell tickets to win the baskets.  Students will sell basket tickets ($1/ticket) and the proceeds will go toward the general fund, not individual student accts.   There will be a competition among choirs to sell the most tickets.  The choir with the most tickets sold will win a donut party.  There are also 1st,  2nd, & 3rd place student winners.  3rd place is a special coffee or sweet treat brought to the winner at lunch one day at school.  2nd place is a special fast food lunch brought to the student during lunch one day at school.  & 1st place is a free movie night for you and a friend!

Individual ticket sales will be counted and finalized on May 19.  The booster will continue to sell tickets until May 26, but student sales will end on May 19 so we can determine our winners.

The winner of the basket will be drawn at the chorus banquet May 26 and we will sell tickets during the Spring Concert with the Baskets Displayed.

Random Senior Info:
The senior picnic is May 26th.
Graduation rehearsal is June 5th.


We redid/reorganized our block and mixed formations.

We also evened out the part assignment for Irish Blessing.

Lux Aurumque
-taller vowels on "lux", breathe in the shape of the vowel
-altos, in measure 14, put the breath on beat three
-discussed the meaning of the dynamics in measure 28. It's the only time in the whole piece that we sing forte and it's a major chord

Sight Reading: none

Homework: none

CV- 4/3/17


All State Students: Lunch rehearsals will resume after spring break

All Choir Lunch rehearsals will begin the week after spring break during the fine arts assigned tutorial time

Students who auditioned for Colla Voce for 2017-2018, you have a call back today from 2:30-5:00 pm in the chorus room.  Please be seated in the chorus room promptly at 2:30. Remember your audition starts when you walk in the door.  The way you carry yourself and behave in the audition will reflect how seriously you take the audition.

There is only a week until spring break, but keep in mind too that our Spring concert is in 5 weeks. Let’s get to work!

Please return all music you haven't yet returned (Beulah)

Invitations to apply for tri-m, if you're invited to do so, will go out Wednesday. May 1st will be the induction for this.

Senior Showcase Important Dates:
•Monday, April 17th- submit song selection and performer information by 11:59 pm. Solo or small group sign up:
•Monday, April 24th- audition with song memorize and all performers present with accompaniment from 2:30-4:30 in the chorus room with Ms. Patchett
•Thursday, May 4th- tech rehearsal from 2:30-7 pm. all performers present (group numbers included)
•Tuesday, May 9th- tech rehearsal 2:30-7 pm. All performers present (group numbers included)
•Monday, May 22nd- dress rehearsal 2:30-6pm. Asl performers present (group numbers included)
•If you would like to participate in the group numbers at all please sign up here:
**Students who are singing in a small group or solo must attend all the dates above
**Students who want to only sing in the group numbers must attend May 4th, May 9th, & May 22nd in addition to the student-scheduled lunch rehearsals to practice on their own.

•April 3rd- Jack & Carleigh Jo
•April 4th- Bobby & Graham
•April 5th- Rachel & Max
•April 17th- Fran
•April 18th- Clair
•April 19th- Izzy
•April 20th- Olivia
•April 21th- Ali M.
•April 24th- Alex
•April 25th- Brittany
•April 26th- Madison
•April 27th- Kyle
•April 28th- Jane
•May 1st- Sydney (turn up)
•May 2nd- Sadiq
•May 3rd- Lauryn S.
•May 4th- Cameron
•May 8th- Ethan & Lindsey
•May 9th- Lizzie & Megan
•May 10th- Taylor & Mac
•May 11th- Emily
•May 15th- Michael
•May 16th- Emma
•May 17th- Reilly & Chavon
•May 18th- Lauren H.
•May 19th- Allie K. & Julia
•May 22nd- Maggie
•May 23rd- Alexis
•May 24th- Sara & Lesleah
•May 25th- Daniel
•May 30th- Hannah & Peyton
•May 31st- Rian & Sarah


Reviewed Irish Blessing

-tried the piece at a significantly faster tempo
-"ay" should be pronounced "ah" as in awesome
-clarified notes generally throughout the piece

Sight Reading: none

Homework: none