Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Concert Choir, Wednesday 05/24/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we started solos!!! :)

Music Theory:

Homework: None

Sight Singing: Exams began last Wednesday

All State Students - if you have not received your t-shirt please come to Mrs. Patchett’s office when we break for sight-reading testing. 

Solos continue tomorrow!! Be prepared to go if you haven't already! 

Banquet dinner tickets money and reservations were due Wednesday

Seniors your next Lunch rehearsal is THURSDAY ALL LUNCH - bring OMNIA SOL 
If you have not turned in music please turn in your music to the piano.  Any music not turned in by today will result in a fine for the chorus and to the school

If you have any pictures from this year that you wish to submit for the chorus picture book thing, email them to

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Concert Choir, Tuesday 05/23/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we finished did music theory activites based on our groups! If you were absent today, be sure to pick up the work that your group was assigned!

Music Theory:
Group 1- Interval Quality Identification (30 examples on
Group 2- Labeling chords (worksheet)
Group 3- Mini lesson with Mrs. Patchett about chord progressions (worksheet)

Homework: finish Theory work and turn in tomorrow

Sight Singing: Exams began last Wednesday

All State Students - if you have not received your t-shirt please come to Mrs. Patchett’s office when we break for sight-reading testing. 

Solos start tomorrow!! Be prepared to go and have our paper ready to turn in :)

Banquet dinner tickets money and reservations were due Wednesday
Seniors your next Lunch rehearsal is THURSDAY ALL LUNCH - bring OMNIA SOL 
If you have not turned in music please turn in your music to the piano.  Any music not turned in by today will result in a fine for the chorus and to the school

If you have any pictures from this year that you wish to submit for the chorus picture book thing, email them to

CV- 5/22/17


-Finished sight reading
-clarified banquet reservations
-Juniors stay after school on Thursday to help set up the banquet (bring a change of clothes to school on Thursday)
-Seniors, B Lunch rehearsal Wednesday, and all lunch on Thursday
-Critiques are due Friday
-7th Chords and Inversions worksheet was passed out, and due Wednesday.

Sight Reading: none

Homework: 7th and Inversions worksheet due Wednesday

Monday, May 22, 2017

Concert Choir, Monday 05/22/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we finished Sight Singing exams and did music theory reviews based on our groups! If you were absent today, be sure to pick up the work that your group was assigned!

Music Theory:
Group 1- Naming and identifying key signatures (worksheet)
Group 2- Labeling interval, interval quality, and triads (
Group 3- Identifying inversions and seventh chords (worksheet)

Homework: finish Theory work and turn in tomorrow

Sight Singing: Exams began last Wednesday

All State Students - if you have not received your t-shirt please come to Mrs. Patchett’s office when we break for sight-reading testing. 

Banquet dinner tickets money and reservations were due Wednesday
Seniors your next Lunch rehearsal is TOMORROW  Tuesday B LUNCH - bring OMNIA SOL 
If you have not turned in music please turn in your music to the piano.  Any music not turned in by today will result in a fine for the chorus and to the school

If you have any pictures from this year that you wish to submit for the chorus picture book thing, email them to

Friday, May 19, 2017

Concert Choir, Friday 05/19/17

Happy Friday!!!! :)

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we continued Sight Singing exams and did music theory reviews based on our groups! If you were absent today, be sure to pick up the work that your group was assigned!

Music Theory:
Group 1- Naming and identifying key signatures (worksheet)
Group 2- Labeling interval, interval quality, and triads (
Group 3- Identifying triads in major and harmonic, natural, and melodic minor scales (worksheet)

Homework: Complete concert reflection and practice Sight Singing

Sight Singing: Exams began Wednesday

All State Students - if you have not received your t-shirt please come to Mrs. Patchett’s office when we break for sight-reading testing. 

Banquet dinner tickets money and reservations were due Wednesday May 17 
Basket Raffle Ticket Money is Due TODAY - please make an big effort this week to sell! Ask your neighbors, teachers, office staff and friends! This is TODAY!!! PLEASE SELL ALL YOUR TICKETS!!! :) Even just everyone selling a little will make a BIG difference in our fundraiser!
Seniors your next Lunch rehearsal is TODAY Friday B LUNCH - bring OMNIA SOL 
If you have not turned in music please turn in your music to the piano.  Any music not turned in by today will result in a fine for the chorus and to the school

If you have any pictures from this year that you wish to submit for the chorus picture book thing, email them to

CV- 5/18/17


All State Students - if you have not received your t-shirt please come to Mrs. Patchett’s office when we break for sight-reading testing.

Banquet dinner tickets money and reservations were due yesterday Wednesday May 17  If you have late reservations, bring them to Mrs. Patchett

Basket Raffle Ticket Money is Due TOMORROW- please make an big effort this week to sell! Ask your neighbors, teachers, office staff and friends! This is TOMORROW!!!! PLEASE SELL ALL YOUR TICKETS!!! :) Even just everyone selling a little will make a BIG difference in our fundraiser! Which class will win a DONUT PARTY!??!!

Seniors your next Lunch rehearsal is TODAY Thursday A LUNCH - bring OMNIA SOL

If you have not turned in music please turn in your music to the piano.  Any music not turned in by the end of today will result in a fine with the school and chorus

If you have pictures you would like to submit to be considered for the slideshow or end of the year picture book, please submit them to

ALL SENIORS IN SENIOR SHOWCASE, you need to be prepared to stay after school Monday from 2:30-6 pm for the dress rehearsal. This means will run the show in order and the group number will be last and the girls and guys number will be in the middle.


We began sight reading today. A music theory work sheet on triads was passed out today, it'll be due tomorrow. There are music theory teaching videos linked on the Chorus website, the one you'll look for for this particular worksheet is "Chords and Triads" in the Theory Lessons playlist.

Sight Reading: Sight reading as a test for the final exam

Homework: Finish the work sheet passed out in class

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Concert Choir, Thursday 05/18/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we continued watching our concert and filling out the reflection. We also continued with Sight Singing exams :)

No Theory

Homework: Complete concert reflection and practice Sight Singing

Sight Singing: Exams began yesterday

All State Students - if you have not received your t-shirt please come to Mrs. Patchett’s office when we break for sight-reading testing. 

Banquet dinner tickets money and reservations were due YESTERDAY  Wednesday May 17 
Basket Raffle Ticket Money is Due Friday - please make an big effort this week to sell! Ask your neighbors, teachers, office staff and friends! This is TOMORROW!!! PLEASE SELL ALL YOUR TICKETS!!! :) Even just everyone selling a little will make a BIG difference in our fundraiser!
Seniors your next Lunch rehearsal is TOMORROW Friday B LUNCH - bring OMNIA SOL 
If you have not turned in music please turn in your music to the piano.  Any music not turned in by tomorrow will result in a fine for the chorus and to the school

If you have any pictures from this year that you wish to submit for the chorus picture book thing, email them to

CV- 5/17/17


All State Students - if you have not received your t-shirt please come to Mrs. Patchett’s office when we break for sight-reading testing.

Banquet dinner tickets money and reservations are due TODAY Wednesday May 17

Basket Raffle Ticket Money is Due Friday - please make an big effort this week to sell! Ask your neighbors, teachers, office staff and friends! This is in 2 Days!!!! PLEASE SELL ALL YOUR TICKETS!!! :) Even just everyone selling a little will make a BIG difference in our fundraiser!

Seniors your next Lunch rehearsal is TOMORROW Thursday A LUNCH - bring OMNIA SOL

If you have not turned in music please turn in your music to the piano.  Any music not turned in by tomorrow will result in a fine for the chorus and to the school


-We finished reflecting on the concert
-It was said that we would start sight reading but i'm not sure if it actually happened

Sight Reading: none

Homework: Critiques are due May 26th (next Friday)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Concert Choir, Wednesday 05/17/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we watched our concert and completed the reflection worksheet! We also began the Sight Singing portion of the final exam! Sight Singing will continue throughout the week. Remember if you did not complete your concert reflection today in class, be sure to complete it for homework and turn it in tomorrow :)

No Theory

Homework: Complete concert reflection and practice Sight Singing

Sight Singing: Exams began today

All State Students - if you have not received your t-shirt please come to Mrs. Patchett’s office when we break for sight-reading testing. 

Banquet dinner tickets money and reservations are due TODAY Wednesday May 17 
Basket Raffle Ticket Money is Due Friday - please make an big effort this week to sell! Ask your neighbors, teachers, office staff and friends! This is in 2 Days!!!! PLEASE SELL ALL YOUR TICKETS!!! :) Even just everyone selling a little will make a BIG difference in our fundraiser!
Seniors your next Lunch rehearsal is TOMORROW Thursday A LUNCH - bring OMNIA SOL 
If you have not turned in music please turn in your music to the piano.  Any music not turned in by tomorrow will result in a fine for the chorus and to the school

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

CV- 5/8/17


Basket Raffle Sales started last week.  You have 2 weeks left to sell!  See if you can be our biggest seller! See Mrs. Patchett for more tickets

Dress rehearsal is 2:30-5:30 pm. It is a test grade for you to be there. Make sure you are in the seats at 2:30.

Our concert is THIS friday. You need to be at school at 3:20 pm

Chorus Picnic is Next Monday (one week from today) from 4-6 at Womble Park.  The booster club will provide Fried Chicken.  CV needs to bring Waters, Concert Choir needs to bring Sides and beginning choir needs to bring desserts.

SPRING Concert Tickets are on sale, Tickets are going quickly. If your family has not gone to purchase tickets online, they should soon. We are encouraging families to come to the 4:30 concert because the 7:30 is close to selling out.
If you are not able to purchase through the online option, you will need to email our ticket office at  You also email this address if you have any questions.

Students in CV next year, remember you have a lunch meeting ALL OF LUNCH on Today.
Bring your lunch.

Seniors participating in Senior Showcase- you have a Senior Showcase Rehearsal Tuesday (tomorrow) 2:30-5:30 Be in the auditorium seats at 2:30.  Remember no food or drink in the auditorium.

Dulaman Solo auditions will be today in Class

Seniors, make sure you have filled out this link for the senior showcase program.  Every senior fills out this link even if not participating in senior showcase. Fill out this link by Thursday May 11

Get your All State t-shirts from Mrs Patchett if you haven't already

We passed around an outline for our final exam. The May 23rd date should be changed to May 24th both times it pops up.

A rough draft of everyone's names for the spring concert program was passed around class. Make sure that your name is on it and spelled correctly, if not, fix it and/or add it to the list.


It Takes A Whole Village
-the solo in the middle of the song is still be decided
-all the seniors are singing the opening solo
-we practiced the "bump, bump" heartbeat hand motion thing
-ran through the whole song

-all held notes should be crescendoed and decrescendoed
-if you take a breath, move onto the next note, don't come back in on the same note

-don't spread the "ee" of "veniki" too much

Sure On This Shining Night
-ran through the whole piece
-men, taller vowels on the men's solos
-silent breathing throughout the song
-don't sing the dipthong on "shining"

Praise To The Lord
-taller "ah" vowels in the first phrase

Sight Reading: none:)

Homework: none :)

Monday, May 8, 2017

Concert Choir, Monday 05/08/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we ran through our concert music! First we sang Il Est Bel Et Bon, then we worked on Muerto, the Men's and Women's Peices, Villiage, Hallelujah Amen, and Omnia Sol. Try to memorize your music ASAP!!! Remember to be extra focused this week because it's concert week and our concert is going to be incredible but everyone has to put in the work! :)

No Theory

No Sight Singing

No Homework 

Basket Raffle Information
-Sell tickets for the baskets!!!!
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket
-A schedule for all state has been emailed to parents, have them check it to see if they're available to chaperone.
-Tickets for the Spring Concert can be purchased online!! Order them now from this link:

-Below is a picture of the calendar for seniors and 2017-2018 Colla Voce (hopefully you can see it.. idk sometimes it doesn't work when I try to put a picture on here)

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

CV- 5/3/17


Basket Raffle Sales began Monday. If you were absent, Ms. Patchett has your raffle tickets to start selling.

SPRING Concert Tickets are on sale, Tickets are going quickly. If your family has not gone to purchase tickets online, they should soon.

If you are not able to purchase through the online option, you will need to email our ticket office at :  You also email this address if you have any questions.

Interims went out today! Make sure that if you were absent you get those at a later time.

All State Students -everyone has a lunch rehearsal Thursday B LUNCH.  Spot checks will be Thursday to make sure everyone knows their music.

ALL CHOIR STUDENTS - this is everyone in choir, you have a LUNCH rehearsal A LUNCH in the AUDITORIUM ON THURSDAY

Seniors participating in Senior Showcase- you have a Senior Showcase Rehearsal Thursday 2:30-7

Please remember to upload your images for Lineage by Thursday. If the link is not working please email them to

Dulaman Solo auditions will be Thursday in Class

Seniors with backtrack for senior showcase. Make sure you have convertered any youtube backtrack to a MP3 and email the MP3 to


-we may or may not change the words at "ee double you double you" (ee w w)
-carry the "ma" of ingonyama throughout the whole phrase, except for right before the "ee double you double you" part
-pattern so far (not final): A(soprano entrance)ABBAABB (on the last B section it's only movement)

-worked on dynamics and tempo (cause they need some help)
-come in strong when it's mezzo forte and your part enters
-when we crescendo, it needs to be more gradual and less of a slap in the face "hey we're forte now"
-we practiced with a metronome at faster tempos
-keep all of the top of page eight piano and become suddenly forte at measure thirty one

Lux Aurumque
-song without looking at each other or conducting to help with listening and our teamwork as an ensemble
-we need to work on staggered breathing

Bach (Come Sweet Death)
-we worked on clarifying the hand motions until the bell rang

Sight Reading: none :)

Homework: go sell raffle tickets! :)

Concert Choir, Wednesday 05/03/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we  discussed the new risers (no food, drinks, don't touch railings, careful of lip on first riser) then we sang the women's piece pages 7-13 the last chord is tricky so be careful. Then the men sang their song and we all came back together to sing Muerto. After making sure pronounciations were correct and notes were accurate, we worked on the dance moves for Ingonyama. After that we sang Hallelujah Amen and polished it up. At the end of class, interims were passed out so if you were absent be sure to get those tomorrow.

No Theory

No Sight Singing

No Homework 

-All State Students, make sure you have the lunch rehearsal dates through May 4.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to see Mrs. Patchett for the dates.
Basket Raffle Information
-Sell tickets for the baskets!!!!
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket
-A schedule for all state has been emailed to parents, have them check it to see if they're available to chaperone.
-Tickets for the Spring Concert can be purchased online!! Order them now from this link:

-Below is a picture of the calendar for seniors and 2017-2018 Colla Voce (hopefully you can see it.. idk sometimes it doesn't work when I try to put a picture on here)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Beginning Choir 5/2/17

May 11- Dress rehearsal 2:30-5:30
May 12- Spring Concert be in the chorus room at 3:20
May 16-23- Final Exam Sight Reading
   •Level 4 choir unison
May 24- Starting Solos and Written Paper due
•must be at least 1 1/2 minutes and at most 3 minutes and MEMORIZED with a back track

Tuesday B lunch all state rehearsal
Thursday A lunch all choir rehearsal
Thursday B lunch all state rehearsal
May 11- A lunch all women rehearsal
May 15- chorus picnic at Womble Park 4-6
May 25- chorus banquet at 5:00pm

Monday, May 1, 2017

Concert Choir, Monday 05/01/17

Rehearsal Notes and Assignments: Today we listened to the adjudicators comments Fromm busch Gardens and discussed our performance based opinions in class. Then we worked on Omnia Sol and tried to get that memorized. Mrs. Hoytt-Meyers (hopefully that is spelled correctly) was here and she talked about the basket fundraiser tickets. We each got 24 tickets today so if you were absent be sure to pick some up! Try and sell as many as you can to support the chorus! Pictures of the baskets should be available by Friday :)

No Theory

No Sight Singing

No Homework 

-All State Students, make sure you have the lunch rehearsal dates through May 4.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to see Mrs. Patchett for the dates.
Basket Raffle Information
-Sell tickets for the baskets!!!!
Beginning Choir - Spa/Pampering Basket & Beach Fun Basket
Concert Choir - Family Fun Night Basket & Outdoor/BBQ Basket
CV - Chocolate Basket
-A schedule for all state has been emailed to parents, have them check it to see if they're available to chaperone.
-Tickets for the Spring Concert can be purchased online!! Order them now from this link:

-Below is a picture of the calendar for seniors and 2017-2018 Colla Voce (hopefully you can see it.. idk sometimes it doesn't work when I try to put a picture on here)