Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Beginning Choir 9/26/17

Tuesday 9/26/17
Thank you to everyone who came out to the chorus picnic! It was a lot of fun!

The Mattress Man is coming today at 2:30-3:00 to give away cash to a lucky few students.  Stay after school for 30 minutes if you would like to win cash!

The mattress sale is saturday.  A sign-up genuis list will be sent out for help throughout the day this afternoon or tomorrow.

Honors Chorus Students will be auditioning on Thursday and Mrs. Patchett will be out for 1st and 2nd period.

Honors Chorus Students - please remember to bring your permission form by Thursday

Honors Chorus Students - please fill out the paper with your 1st and 2nd period teachers (other than Mrs. P)

IF anyone has the concert attire forms (purple, blue, yellow etc) please turn those into the piano after the announcements

Rhythm - (blue folder) Read page. 45-47 (took turns in rows reading a measures)
Tonal - (green folder) Read 213 with moveable

Let the Praise Go Round and we worked transitions, and labeled the 3 pattern in part A

Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday, Sept 11, 2017

Lowes Food Gift Card $ is due Friday 
Butterbraid Money and Order forms Due Tuesday Sept 19 
Chorus Spirit Night at Hickory Tavern Sept 18 
Chorus Picnic for Chorus Students Only Sept 25 from 3-5 at Womble Park 
Mattress Sale Sept 30; yard signs and posters still in classroom for students to take 
Late HW that was due Friday Sept 1 is still not in for a few students

1st Period: Concert Choir 
Received Unit 1 and Unit 2 Music Theory Packets CLICK HERE
Test will be MONDAY on both units (This is a review from last year) 
Read rhythms in Blue Book 
Read tonal in Green Book (major only) 
Finished learning notes for "How Like a Winter"

2nd Period: Beginning Choir
Received Unit 1 Music Theory Packet CLICK HERE
Went over Parts of a note and Parts of a staff
Reviewed Rhythm and note duration
Received Roll Call Numbers
Practiced with Hotel Cell 
Received Sheet Music for class, associated with the assigned Roll Call Number 
Worked on new song "Let the Praise Go Round"

3rd Period: Colla Voce
Additional Reminder - Next Trip Payment is Due Sept 15 - $200 
Read Rhythms in Blue Book Page 64 
Worked "The KING" while tapping - paying attention to being on the beat or off the beat
----HW - memorize for tomorrow 
Worked "Venite" in Circles - fixed the last 4 pages when parts struggled on entrances
-----HW - memorize for tomorrow 
Worked Ohtul - Memorized  - 2nd page - men need to remember words; 2nd ending on repeat everyone needs to review notes for memory 
Worked Red Red Rose - Memorized - checked a few memory slips