Warm up
-Spring concert May 11 (next fri)
-Dress Rehearsal May10
-Favorite things raffle
-Send in picture to Quinn for slideshow
Practice songs
-The Little Beggerman (p.g.11) practice ah’s
-Benedictus (p.g. 6) Practice and crescendo and decrescendo
-phrasing first 3 pages
-Sinnah Man- < >
-Run all the way through
-P.g. 5 Sinnah man
-Vuelie (p.g. 6)- practice notes
-Irish Blessing (p.g. 5)
Monday, April 30, 2018
CV, Monday 04/30/18
-Historians, Please keep collecting pictures.
-Secretaries please make sure to update the blog daily and copy and paste the announcements from the google folder into the blog.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will be posted after the Spring Concert.
-Basket Raffle - My Favorite Things - Items due May 7. Please donate items or a few dollars toward the basket raffle. The theme is “my Favorite things” DUE MAY 7 That is in one week from today
-Our spring concert is May 11 at 4:30 & 7:30. Students are required to be at both. It is a test grade. The dress rehearsal is also required and it is May 10 from 2:30-5:30. This is also a test grade. You are required to be here the whole time. For the day of the concert, you will stay after school and the boosters will feed you dinner between the concerts.
-Please make sure you check your concert attire. Make sure you have all pieces and it is clean.
-Librarians, plan to stay after school May 2, May 9, & May 16 from 2:30-3:30 to help with the choral library. Anyone who needs volunteer hours can also stay and help. Again the first 3 Wednesdays of May will be choral library organizing days. Librarians plan to stay after school and anyone else who would like to help can stay too. From 2:30-3:30
-The link for the Concert Tickets was sent out on remind. Email Mrs. Patchett if you didn’t get the text.
-CV & CONCERT : The chorus booster scholarship applications are available on the front table. They are due MAY 11, this is the same day as the concert, so please do not forget to turn in the application.
-Concert & CV: Seniors, if you plan to sing a solo or a small group song, auditions are Today from 2:30-3:30. If you have not filled out the solo/small group song form online. Please do that ASAP.
Let My Love Be Heard
-We recorded this and will talk about improvements tomorrow. Please listen to the recording tonight and come to class prepared with suggestions!
-We worked a lot on pages 6-end
-Pay very close attention to dynamics.. at the bottom of 6 come in subito piano
-On the big AVE EVA FONS AMORIS section when everyone sings, make sure it’s slap you in the face loud!! We were quiet before but it needs to suddenly be really loud there.
-Basses went over some notes
-Make sure to keep quiet intensity throughout the song
-Don’t be too loud on your accented notes
-People auditioned for the solo for Mrs. Patchett
My Soul
-We also recorded this and will talk about tweaks tomorrow!
-Listen to the recordings of My Love and My Soul
-Bring in items for the Basket!!!
-Historians, Please keep collecting pictures.
-Secretaries please make sure to update the blog daily and copy and paste the announcements from the google folder into the blog.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will be posted after the Spring Concert.
-Basket Raffle - My Favorite Things - Items due May 7. Please donate items or a few dollars toward the basket raffle. The theme is “my Favorite things” DUE MAY 7 That is in one week from today
-Our spring concert is May 11 at 4:30 & 7:30. Students are required to be at both. It is a test grade. The dress rehearsal is also required and it is May 10 from 2:30-5:30. This is also a test grade. You are required to be here the whole time. For the day of the concert, you will stay after school and the boosters will feed you dinner between the concerts.
-Please make sure you check your concert attire. Make sure you have all pieces and it is clean.
-Librarians, plan to stay after school May 2, May 9, & May 16 from 2:30-3:30 to help with the choral library. Anyone who needs volunteer hours can also stay and help. Again the first 3 Wednesdays of May will be choral library organizing days. Librarians plan to stay after school and anyone else who would like to help can stay too. From 2:30-3:30
-The link for the Concert Tickets was sent out on remind. Email Mrs. Patchett if you didn’t get the text.
-CV & CONCERT : The chorus booster scholarship applications are available on the front table. They are due MAY 11, this is the same day as the concert, so please do not forget to turn in the application.
-Concert & CV: Seniors, if you plan to sing a solo or a small group song, auditions are Today from 2:30-3:30. If you have not filled out the solo/small group song form online. Please do that ASAP.
Let My Love Be Heard
-We recorded this and will talk about improvements tomorrow. Please listen to the recording tonight and come to class prepared with suggestions!
-We worked a lot on pages 6-end
-Pay very close attention to dynamics.. at the bottom of 6 come in subito piano
-On the big AVE EVA FONS AMORIS section when everyone sings, make sure it’s slap you in the face loud!! We were quiet before but it needs to suddenly be really loud there.
-Basses went over some notes
-Make sure to keep quiet intensity throughout the song
-Don’t be too loud on your accented notes
-People auditioned for the solo for Mrs. Patchett
My Soul
-We also recorded this and will talk about tweaks tomorrow!
-Listen to the recordings of My Love and My Soul
-Bring in items for the Basket!!!
4/30/18 Concert Choir
Historians, Please keep collecting pictures. Maddie - make sure you are gathering Busch Gardens Pictures.
Secretaries please make sure to update the blog daily and copy and paste the announcements from the google folder into the blog.
Class Lists are still in consideration and will be posted after the Spring Concert.
Basket Raffle - My Favorite Things - Items due May 7. Please donate items or a few dollars toward the basket raffle. The theme is “my Favorite things” DUE MAY 7 That is in one week from today
Our spring concert is May 11 at 4:30 & 7:30. Students are required to be at both. It is a test grade. The dress rehearsal is also required and it is May 10 from 2:30-5:30. This is also a test grade. You are required to be here the whole time. For the day of the concert, you will stay after school and the boosters will feed you dinner between the concerts.
Please make sure you check your concert attire. Make sure you have all pieces and it is clean.
Librarians, plan to stay after school May 2, May 9, & May 16 from 2:30-3:30 to help with the choral library. Anyone who needs volunteer hours can also stay and help. Again the first 3 Wednesdays of May will be choral library organizing days. Librarians plan to stay after school and anyone else who would like to help can stay too. From 2:30-3:30
The link for the Concert Tickets was sent out on remind. Email Mrs. Patchett if you didn’t get the text.
CV & CONCERT : The chorus booster scholarship applications are available on the front table. They are due MAY 11, this is the same day as the concert, so please do not forget to turn in the application.
Concert & CV: Seniors, if you plan to sing a solo or a small group song, auditions are Today from 2:30-3:30. If you have not filled out the solo/small group song form online. Please do that ASAP.
Secretaries please make sure to update the blog daily and copy and paste the announcements from the google folder into the blog.
Class Lists are still in consideration and will be posted after the Spring Concert.
Basket Raffle - My Favorite Things - Items due May 7. Please donate items or a few dollars toward the basket raffle. The theme is “my Favorite things” DUE MAY 7 That is in one week from today
Our spring concert is May 11 at 4:30 & 7:30. Students are required to be at both. It is a test grade. The dress rehearsal is also required and it is May 10 from 2:30-5:30. This is also a test grade. You are required to be here the whole time. For the day of the concert, you will stay after school and the boosters will feed you dinner between the concerts.
Please make sure you check your concert attire. Make sure you have all pieces and it is clean.
Librarians, plan to stay after school May 2, May 9, & May 16 from 2:30-3:30 to help with the choral library. Anyone who needs volunteer hours can also stay and help. Again the first 3 Wednesdays of May will be choral library organizing days. Librarians plan to stay after school and anyone else who would like to help can stay too. From 2:30-3:30
The link for the Concert Tickets was sent out on remind. Email Mrs. Patchett if you didn’t get the text.
CV & CONCERT : The chorus booster scholarship applications are available on the front table. They are due MAY 11, this is the same day as the concert, so please do not forget to turn in the application.
Concert & CV: Seniors, if you plan to sing a solo or a small group song, auditions are Today from 2:30-3:30. If you have not filled out the solo/small group song form online. Please do that ASAP.
Today in class we reviewed our comments from the judges at busch gardens. we also were introduced to a new song in class by rote (intro, ABBABBAB)
Friday, April 27, 2018
CV, Friday 04/27/18
-Historians, make sure Mrs. Patchett has your email address so you can be in contact with her about the photo book, banquet, etc.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will he posted after the Spring Concert
-There are 2 available scholarships for seniors!! Applications for these scholarships are on the front table so make sure you pick one up to see if you are eligible!
-Basket Raffle items are due May 7th... the theme is My Favorite Things so bring in something that you really like!! (Could be chocolate, gift cards, spa items, cash, really anything)
-The Spring Concert is May 11th at 4:30 and 7:30. Dress rehearsal is the day before and both are REQUIRED and will be a test grade. The ticket purchase link was sent out today via remind
-Check your concert attire, make sure you have all of it and it is clean!!
-Today we went to the auditorium and watched the Senior independent study dance performances.. they were really cool!!!
-We also had a brief discussion about some confusion regarding Senior Showcase. You can sign up as a solo act if you want, but since the show was so long last time, group performances are also encouraged to cut down on some time. You may still audition as a solo act if you would like to! Auditions are April 30, make sure you have signed up on the link that was sent out and if you have any questions, contact Mrs. Patchett.
Have a SPECTACULAR weekend!!!! :-)
-Historians, make sure Mrs. Patchett has your email address so you can be in contact with her about the photo book, banquet, etc.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will he posted after the Spring Concert
-There are 2 available scholarships for seniors!! Applications for these scholarships are on the front table so make sure you pick one up to see if you are eligible!
-Basket Raffle items are due May 7th... the theme is My Favorite Things so bring in something that you really like!! (Could be chocolate, gift cards, spa items, cash, really anything)
-The Spring Concert is May 11th at 4:30 and 7:30. Dress rehearsal is the day before and both are REQUIRED and will be a test grade. The ticket purchase link was sent out today via remind
-Check your concert attire, make sure you have all of it and it is clean!!
-Today we went to the auditorium and watched the Senior independent study dance performances.. they were really cool!!!
-We also had a brief discussion about some confusion regarding Senior Showcase. You can sign up as a solo act if you want, but since the show was so long last time, group performances are also encouraged to cut down on some time. You may still audition as a solo act if you would like to! Auditions are April 30, make sure you have signed up on the link that was sent out and if you have any questions, contact Mrs. Patchett.
Have a SPECTACULAR weekend!!!! :-)
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Thursday 4/26/18 Beginning Choir
Today we worked on
•”Sinnuh Man” up to the round we worked on yesterday.
•We also worked on all of our beginning choir pieces.
• Then we worked on Vuelie, but did not learn anything new.
•”Sinnuh Man” up to the round we worked on yesterday.
•We also worked on all of our beginning choir pieces.
• Then we worked on Vuelie, but did not learn anything new.
CV, Thursday 04/26/18
-Historians, make sure Mrs. Patchett has your email address so you can be in contact with her about the photo book, banquet, etc.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will he posted after the Spring Concert
-There are 2 available scholarships for seniors!! Applications for these scholarships are on the front table so make sure you pick one up to see if you are eligible!
-Basket Raffle items are due May 7th... the theme is My Favorite Things so bring in something that you really like!! (Could be chocolate, gift cards, spa items, cash, really anything)
-The Spring Concert is May 11th at 4:30 and 7:30. Dress rehearsal is the day before and both are REQUIRED and will be a test grade. The ticket purchase link was sent out today via remind
-Check your concert attire, make sure you have all of it and it is clean!!
Let My Love Be Heard
-Make sure everyone makes the “ohh’s” interesting at the beginning (crescendo!)
-Tenors worked on strong dynamics measures 9-14
-We worked on the Ahhh section and sped it up
-Watch the conductor
-The word “grief” should be loud and clear
-Be quiet when altos come in
-Pay very close attention to dynamics and crescendos
-Make sure to watch the conductor and don’t rush
-People auditioned for the solo for Mrs. Patchett
-If you were absent today, complete the Quarter 3 Reflection and turn it in tomorrow
-Bring in items for the Basket Raffle!!!!
-Historians, make sure Mrs. Patchett has your email address so you can be in contact with her about the photo book, banquet, etc.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will he posted after the Spring Concert
-There are 2 available scholarships for seniors!! Applications for these scholarships are on the front table so make sure you pick one up to see if you are eligible!
-Basket Raffle items are due May 7th... the theme is My Favorite Things so bring in something that you really like!! (Could be chocolate, gift cards, spa items, cash, really anything)
-The Spring Concert is May 11th at 4:30 and 7:30. Dress rehearsal is the day before and both are REQUIRED and will be a test grade. The ticket purchase link was sent out today via remind
-Check your concert attire, make sure you have all of it and it is clean!!
Let My Love Be Heard
-Make sure everyone makes the “ohh’s” interesting at the beginning (crescendo!)
-Tenors worked on strong dynamics measures 9-14
-We worked on the Ahhh section and sped it up
-Watch the conductor
-The word “grief” should be loud and clear
-Be quiet when altos come in
-Pay very close attention to dynamics and crescendos
-Make sure to watch the conductor and don’t rush
-People auditioned for the solo for Mrs. Patchett
-If you were absent today, complete the Quarter 3 Reflection and turn it in tomorrow
-Bring in items for the Basket Raffle!!!!
CV, Wednesday 04/25/18
-Historians, make sure Mrs. Patchett has your email address so you can be in contact with her about the photo book, banquet, etc.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will he posted after the Spring Concert
-There are 2 available scholarships for seniors!! Applications for these scholarships are on the front table so make sure you pick one up to see if you are eligible!
-Basket Raffle items are due May 7th... the theme is My Favorite Things so bring in something that you really like!! (Could be chocolate, gift cards, spa items, cash, really anything)
-The Spring Concert is May 11th at 4:30 and 7:30. Dress rehearsal is the day before and both are REQUIRED and will be a test grade. The ticket purchase link was sent out today via remind
-Check your concert attire, make sure you have all of it and it is clean!!
Let My Love Be Heard
-Make sure everyone makes the “ohh’s” interesting at the beginning (crescendo!)
-Tenors worked on strong dynamics measures 9-14
-The word “grief” should be loud and clear
-Altos be strong in measure 20 on the word “bird”
-Tenors and altos match intensity in 20
-This song has depth, sing with passion
-Put a break between heard and whispering on page 4
-We also talked about what what this song meant to us and how I️t relates to society
-Mostly just ran through the song and fixed a few notes here and there
-Make sure to watch the conductor and don’t rush
My Soul
-Basses crescendo when you sing the word lord
-Everyone else Pulse when you sing “lord”
-Mini sfortsandos throughout the song
-Some Tenors moved off of the “before I stay in Hell one day” solo
-We worked on the last 2 measures and slowing it WAY down
-If you were absent today, complete the Quarter 3 Reflection and turn it in tomorrow
-Bring in items for the Basket Raffle!!!!
-Historians, make sure Mrs. Patchett has your email address so you can be in contact with her about the photo book, banquet, etc.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will he posted after the Spring Concert
-There are 2 available scholarships for seniors!! Applications for these scholarships are on the front table so make sure you pick one up to see if you are eligible!
-Basket Raffle items are due May 7th... the theme is My Favorite Things so bring in something that you really like!! (Could be chocolate, gift cards, spa items, cash, really anything)
-The Spring Concert is May 11th at 4:30 and 7:30. Dress rehearsal is the day before and both are REQUIRED and will be a test grade. The ticket purchase link was sent out today via remind
-Check your concert attire, make sure you have all of it and it is clean!!
Let My Love Be Heard
-Make sure everyone makes the “ohh’s” interesting at the beginning (crescendo!)
-Tenors worked on strong dynamics measures 9-14
-The word “grief” should be loud and clear
-Altos be strong in measure 20 on the word “bird”
-Tenors and altos match intensity in 20
-This song has depth, sing with passion
-Put a break between heard and whispering on page 4
-We also talked about what what this song meant to us and how I️t relates to society
-Mostly just ran through the song and fixed a few notes here and there
-Make sure to watch the conductor and don’t rush
My Soul
-Basses crescendo when you sing the word lord
-Everyone else Pulse when you sing “lord”
-Mini sfortsandos throughout the song
-Some Tenors moved off of the “before I stay in Hell one day” solo
-We worked on the last 2 measures and slowing it WAY down
-If you were absent today, complete the Quarter 3 Reflection and turn it in tomorrow
-Bring in items for the Basket Raffle!!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Historians, please make sure to be collecting pictures. Email Mrs. Patchett with your email address (jpatchett@wcpss.net) and she will share what events she needs pictures from.
Secretaries please make sure to update the blog daily and copy and paste the announcements from the google folder into the blog. Your notes from class should be specific, especially in the rehearsal process.
Class Lists are still in consideration and will be posted after the Spring Concert.
The holly springs high school chorus boosters offers 2 college scholarships to seniors. This year the applications are due May 11 - this is the same day as the concert, so please do not forget to turn in the application. There is a scholarship for students planning to study music as a major and a scholarship for students not planning to study music as a major.
Basket Raffle - My Favorite Things - Items due May 7. Please donate items or a few dollars toward the basket raffle. The theme is “my Favorite things” - if your favorite things are chocolate, bring in chocolate! If your favorite things are spa related, bring in spa items! If your favorite thing is eating at the Mason jar Restaurant, bring in a gift card! If you don’t have time to get an item, just bring in a few dollars to contribute toward the basket. DUE MAY 7
Our spring concert is May 11 at 4:30 & 7:30. Students are required to be at both. It is a test grade. The dress rehearsal is also required and it is May 10 from 2:30-5:30. This is also a test grade. You are required to be here the whole time. For the day of the concert, you will stay after school and the boosters will feed you dinner between the concerts.
Please make sure you check your concert attire. Make sure you have all pieces and it is clean. Especially if you were in Barnum and used some of your attire. Make sure your shirt is still white. Concert Choir- you need your attire SATURDAY!!!
Librarians, see Mrs. Patchett at the end of the period.
CV - Izzy, Madison, Mac
Concert & CV: Seniors, if you plan to sing a solo or a small group song, your song should have been selected by now and submitted on the online form. Auditions are moved to April 30th from 2:30-3:30. Carleigh Jo, Bryn & Carter, you have not filled out the solo/small group song form online. Please do that ASAP.
Concert Tickets are available for sale on the chorus website.
Concert Choir - Busch Gardens - Money owed & reminders - Mrs. Patchett
Collect Music for BG for judges
BLOG- today was Mrs Patchett’s 2nd day back!! we wrote a paper to her about our time while she was gone:
we ran chindia and the road home all the way through and showed her our work. look forward to more work with these songs before busch gardens
Historians, please make sure to be collecting pictures. Email Mrs. Patchett with your email address (jpatchett@wcpss.net) and she will share what events she needs pictures from.
Secretaries please make sure to update the blog daily and copy and paste the announcements from the google folder into the blog. Your notes from class should be specific, especially in the rehearsal process.
Class Lists are still in consideration and will be posted after the Spring Concert.
The holly springs high school chorus boosters offers 2 college scholarships to seniors. This year the applications are due May 11 - this is the same day as the concert, so please do not forget to turn in the application. There is a scholarship for students planning to study music as a major and a scholarship for students not planning to study music as a major.
Basket Raffle - My Favorite Things - Items due May 7. Please donate items or a few dollars toward the basket raffle. The theme is “my Favorite things” - if your favorite things are chocolate, bring in chocolate! If your favorite things are spa related, bring in spa items! If your favorite thing is eating at the Mason jar Restaurant, bring in a gift card! If you don’t have time to get an item, just bring in a few dollars to contribute toward the basket. DUE MAY 7
Our spring concert is May 11 at 4:30 & 7:30. Students are required to be at both. It is a test grade. The dress rehearsal is also required and it is May 10 from 2:30-5:30. This is also a test grade. You are required to be here the whole time. For the day of the concert, you will stay after school and the boosters will feed you dinner between the concerts.
Please make sure you check your concert attire. Make sure you have all pieces and it is clean. Especially if you were in Barnum and used some of your attire. Make sure your shirt is still white. Concert Choir- you need your attire SATURDAY!!!
Librarians, see Mrs. Patchett at the end of the period.
CV - Izzy, Madison, Mac
Concert & CV: Seniors, if you plan to sing a solo or a small group song, your song should have been selected by now and submitted on the online form. Auditions are moved to April 30th from 2:30-3:30. Carleigh Jo, Bryn & Carter, you have not filled out the solo/small group song form online. Please do that ASAP.
Concert Tickets are available for sale on the chorus website.
Concert Choir - Busch Gardens - Money owed & reminders - Mrs. Patchett
Collect Music for BG for judges
BLOG- today was Mrs Patchett’s 2nd day back!! we wrote a paper to her about our time while she was gone:
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Beginning Choir 4-24-18
Today was Mrs. Patchett’s first day back!
•We sang through all three of our beginning choir pieces.
•We also wrote a reflection about what we learned from Mr. Wilson this past quarter and anything else that happened while Mrs. Patchett was gone and you wanted to share with her.
•Mrs. Patchett would like for us to learn “Sinnuh Man” for the concert and we have three weeks to learn it. We learned the first two pages today and part of page 8.
•We sang through all three of our beginning choir pieces.
•We also wrote a reflection about what we learned from Mr. Wilson this past quarter and anything else that happened while Mrs. Patchett was gone and you wanted to share with her.
•Mrs. Patchett would like for us to learn “Sinnuh Man” for the concert and we have three weeks to learn it. We learned the first two pages today and part of page 8.
CV, Tuesday 04/24/18
-Historians, make sure Mrs. Patchett has your email address so you can be in contact with her about the photo book, banquet, etc.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will he posted after the Spring Concert
-There are 2 available scholarships for seniors!! Applications for these scholarships are on the front table so make sure you pick one up to see if you are eligible!
-Basket Raffle items are due May 7th... the theme is My Favorite Things so bring in something that you really like!! (Could be chocolate, gift cards, spa items, cash, really anything)
-The Spring Concert is May 11th at 4:30 and 7:30. Dress rehearsal is the day before and both are REQUIRED and will be a test grade. The ticket purchase link was sent out today via remind
-Check your concert attire, make sure you have all of it and it is clean!!
-Today we ran through all of our songs once for Mrs. Patchett and she tweaked some stuff in My Soul including things like crescendoing into the beginning rather than just being loud and men remember to do a sfortsando (that’s a hard word to spell) when you sing “lord”
-We also wrote a couple of paragraphs about how things went while Mrs. Patchett was gone and what is new in our lives. I will try to attach a picture of the board!
-If you were absent today, complete the Quarter 3 Reflection and turn it in tomorrow
-Bring in items for the Basket Raffle!!!!
-Historians, make sure Mrs. Patchett has your email address so you can be in contact with her about the photo book, banquet, etc.
-Class Lists are still in consideration and will he posted after the Spring Concert
-There are 2 available scholarships for seniors!! Applications for these scholarships are on the front table so make sure you pick one up to see if you are eligible!
-Basket Raffle items are due May 7th... the theme is My Favorite Things so bring in something that you really like!! (Could be chocolate, gift cards, spa items, cash, really anything)
-The Spring Concert is May 11th at 4:30 and 7:30. Dress rehearsal is the day before and both are REQUIRED and will be a test grade. The ticket purchase link was sent out today via remind
-Check your concert attire, make sure you have all of it and it is clean!!
-Today we ran through all of our songs once for Mrs. Patchett and she tweaked some stuff in My Soul including things like crescendoing into the beginning rather than just being loud and men remember to do a sfortsando (that’s a hard word to spell) when you sing “lord”
-We also wrote a couple of paragraphs about how things went while Mrs. Patchett was gone and what is new in our lives. I will try to attach a picture of the board!
-If you were absent today, complete the Quarter 3 Reflection and turn it in tomorrow
-Bring in items for the Basket Raffle!!!!
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