-Today we had a sub, so no singing ):
-We had a written assignment on Relative minor scales
Tuesday 10.30.18
Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M
We have a spirit night at Bass Lake Draft House Monday Nov. 5. Support the chorus by going out to eat Monday night at Bass Lake Draft House.
The Southern Area Choral Festival Concert is tonight at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They are available to purchase or will be available at the door Cash or Credit Card Only. Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert on Wednesday Oct. 31st.
Lowes Foods Gift Cards are due Nov. 9 this month. If you would like to order Lowes Foods Gift Cards, please take an order form home from the table and turn in your order form and $ by Nov. 9.
Beginning - Make sure you have completed your sight - singing quiz from last week.
Beginning - You have a required Informance on Nov. 19. This has been on the calendar since the beginning of the school year. It counts as a test grade for you to be there. You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. We will perform around 7:15 and then we will be done no later then 7:45 pm. Your parents report to the auditorium at 7 pm for a brief meeting while you report to the choir room at 7 pm. You wear your normal school clothes.
Concert Choir- Make sure you have completed your sight - singing quiz from last week.
CV ---- The next trip payment is due, November 16 and it is $100 payment. - Use the patron program and the peanuts to fundraise toward your next payment!!! 20 cans of $10 peanuts will cover the cost of the next payment!
Concert Choir - Tutoring Help Schedule:
Natalia - Wednesday A Lunch with Ben E
Daisa - Thursday A Lunch with _________ (someone, Mrs. Patchett forgot who)
Hanna O - Wednesday A lunch with Tristan R (and Mrs. Patchett)
Mae - Thursday A Lunch with Aubrey
Megan B - Thursday A Lunch with Kalina