Tuesday, October 30, 2018

CC, October 30th, 2018

What we did in class today:
-Today we had a sub, so no singing ):
-We had a written assignment on Relative minor scales

Tuesday 10.30.18

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M

We have a spirit night at Bass Lake Draft House Monday Nov. 5. Support the chorus by going out to eat Monday night at Bass Lake Draft House.

The Southern Area Choral Festival Concert is tonight at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They are available to purchase or will be available at the door Cash or Credit Card Only.  Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert on Wednesday Oct. 31st.

Lowes Foods Gift Cards are due Nov. 9 this month. If you would like to order Lowes Foods Gift Cards, please take an order form home from the table and turn in your order form and $ by Nov. 9.

Beginning - Make sure you have completed your sight - singing quiz from last week.

Beginning - You have a required Informance on Nov. 19. This has been on the calendar since the beginning of the school year. It counts as a test grade for you to be there.  You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. We will perform around 7:15 and then we will be done no later then 7:45 pm. Your parents report to the auditorium at 7 pm for a brief meeting while you report to the choir room at 7 pm.  You wear your normal school clothes.

Concert Choir- Make sure you have completed your sight - singing quiz from last week.

CV ---- The next trip payment is due, November 16 and it is $100 payment. - Use the patron program and the peanuts to fundraise toward your next payment!!! 20 cans of $10 peanuts will cover the cost of the next payment!

Concert Choir - Tutoring Help Schedule:
Natalia - Wednesday A Lunch with Ben E
Daisa - Thursday A Lunch with _________ (someone, Mrs. Patchett forgot who)
Hanna O - Wednesday A lunch with Tristan R (and Mrs. Patchett)
Mae - Thursday A Lunch with Aubrey
Megan B - Thursday A Lunch with Kalina

Monday, October 29, 2018

Beginning Chorus Monday 10/29/2018

Monday 10/29/18 
We learned a lesson on Major scales. A major scale is a scale that follows the pattern of Whole,Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half. Tomorrow and Wednesday we will have a substitute and Mrs. Patchett expects us to be on our best behavior. We will get a worksheet with staffs and notes on them. The sheet will give us the starting note of the pattern and using accidentals we will label a major staff. 

We worked on page 6 in Our Winter Wonderland, and measures 17-22 in Flow water. We also the rhythm in Hallelujah chorus in measures 34-41. The rhythm is weird because with every dotted note instead of holding the pitch longer we pause for just a sec. like taking a tiny breath.

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M

Lowes Foods Gift Cards are due Nov. 9 this month. If you would like to order Lowes Foods Gift Cards, please take an order form home from the table and turn in your order form and $ by Nov. 9.

Beginning - You had a sight-reading assignment last week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. If you have not completed it, you need to so you do not receive a 0 quiz grade on quarter 1. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.

Beginning - You have a required Informance on Nov. 19. This has been on the calendar since the beginning of the school year. It counts as a test grade for you to be there.  You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. We will perform around 7:15 and then we will be done no later then 7:45 pm. Your parents report to the auditorium at 7 pm for a brief meeting while you report to the choir room at 7 pm.  You wear your normal school clothes.

CC, October 29th, 2018

What we did today:
-We began class with a music theory lesson. We learned about the harmonic, melodic, and natural minor scales.
-We then warmed-up
-We worked on pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 of "Thankful"

Monday 10.29.18

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M

Lowes Foods Gift Cards are due Nov. 9 this month. If you would like to order Lowes Foods Gift Cards, please take an order form home from the table and turn in your order form and $ by Nov. 9.

Beginning - You had a sight-reading assignment last week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. If you have not completed it, you need to so you do not receive a 0 quiz grade on quarter 1. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.

Beginning - You have a required Informance on Nov. 19. This has been on the calendar since the beginning of the school year. It counts as a test grade for you to be there.  You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. We will perform around 7:15 and then we will be done no later then 7:45 pm. Your parents report to the auditorium at 7 pm for a brief meeting while you report to the choir room at 7 pm.  You wear your normal school clothes.

Concert Choir- You had a sight-reading assignment last week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.  If you have not completed it, you need to asap because it will be a 0 quiz grade otherwise.

We will have the Southern Area Choral Festival Concert tomorrow night at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They will be available to purchase online later this week or available at the door.  Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert on Wednesday Oct. 31st.

CV - You need to be at school at 5:30 today.  If you are a leader, please arrive at 5:00 pm to help me set-up.

CV ---- The next trip payment is due, November 16 and it is $100 payment. - Use the patron program and the peanuts to fundraise toward your next payment!!! 20 cans of $10 peanuts will cover the cost of the next payment!

CV---- Your critiques were due today. If you saw a concert last weekend, Mrs. Patchett will accept the critique on today with no penalty. Otherwise all critiques are due today. Remember to turn in your critique and your signed program together. Please paper clip or binder clip them together.

CV---- Don’t forget to speak to each of your other 3 teachers about missing school tomorrow and do your make-up work before tomorrow.

Friday, October 26, 2018

CC, October 26th, 2018

What we did in class today:
-Worked on our men's/women's pieces, the men broke off and went into the cafeteria to work
-Worked on pages 10 and 11 of "Hallelujah"
-Worked on pages 2, 3, and 4 of "Hallelujah, Amen". worked specifically on Alto part measure 10 the Sol to Ti skip

Friday 10.26.18

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M

Beginning - You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice. It is due today by 4 pm.

Beginning - You have a required Informance on Nov. 19. This has been on the calendar since the beginning of the school year. It counts as a test grade for you to be there.  You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. We will perform around 7:15 and then we will be done no later then 7:45 pm. Your parents report to the auditorium at 7 pm for a brief meeting while you report to the choir room at 7 pm.  You wear your normal school clothes.

Concert Choir- You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.  It is due today by 4 pm

We will have the Southern Area Choral Festival Concert next Tuesday night at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They will be available to purchase online later this week or available at the door.  Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert on Wednesday Oct. 31st.

CV - You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is only a level 3 but you only have 10 seconds to look at it before it starts recording you. It is due today by 4 pm

CV ---- Your next trip payment of $100 was due last week.  You can make this payment online by credit card or bring in a check. If you have still not made your payment, please speak to or email Mrs. Patchett. The next trip payment is due, November 16 and it is $100 payment. - Use the patron program and the peanuts to fundraise toward your next payment!!! 20 cans of $10 peanuts will cover the cost of the next payment!

CV---- Your critiques are due today. If you are seeing a concert this weekend, Mrs. Patchett will accept the critique on Monday Oct. 29 with no penalty. Otherwise all critiques are due today. Remember to turn in your critique and your signed program together. Please paper clip or binder clip them together. Leave them neatly in a pile on the piano.

CV---- Don’t forget to speak to each of your other 3 teachers about missing school on Oct. 30 and do your make-up work before Oct. 30.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Beginning Chorus Thursday 10/25/18

Thursday 10/25/18   Beginning Chorus 
Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M

We worked on the First page of Ose Shalom today learning our separate parts. we also learned measures 34 and 35 of Hallelujah chorus. And finally we worked on pages 1 and 2 of Winter Wonderland.

Don't forget we have a SIR this week due at 4:00 pm tomorrow. its for a quiz grade and you only have 1 chance.

If you were called back for musical auditions, they will be after school today. Make sure you have prepared the materials well and read all the instructions. Make sure you know the dance very well.

Beginning - You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.

Beginning - You have a required Informance on Nov. 19. This has been on the calendar since the beginning of the school year. It counts as a test grade for you to be there.  You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. We will perform around 7:15 and then we will be done no later then 7:45 pm. Your parents report to the auditorium at 7 pm for a brief meeting while you report to the choir room at 7 pm.  You wear your normal school clothes.

We will have the Southern Area Choral Festival Concert next Tuesday night at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They will be available to purchase online later this week or available at the door.  Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert on Wednesday Oct. 31st.

CC, October 25th, 2018

What we did in class today:
-Worked on pages 7 & 8 of "Hallelujah, Amen" then ran the whole piece
-Worked on page 11 to the end of "How Good"
-Worked on the last 2 pages of "Sisi Ni Moja" then ran the whole piece

Thursday 10.25.18

If you were called back for musical auditions, they will be after school today. Make sure you have prepared the materials well and read all the instructions. Make sure you know the dance very well.

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M

Beginning - You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.

Beginning - You have a required Informance on Nov. 19. This has been on the calendar since the beginning of the school year. It counts as a test grade for you to be there.  You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. We will perform around 7:15 and then we will be done no later then 7:45 pm. Your parents report to the auditorium at 7 pm for a brief meeting while you report to the choir room at 7 pm.  You wear your normal school clothes.

Concert Choir- You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.

CV - You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is only a level 3 but you only have 10 seconds to look at it before it starts recording you.

We will have the Southern Area Choral Festival Concert next Tuesday night at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They will be available to purchase online later this week or available at the door.  Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert on Wednesday Oct. 31st.

CV ---- Your next trip payment of $100 was due last week.  You can make this payment online by credit card or bring in a check. If you have still not made your payment, please speak to or email Mrs. Patchett. The next trip payment is due, November 16 and it is $100 payment. - Use the patron program and the peanuts to fundraise toward your next payment!!! 20 cans of $10 peanuts will cover the cost of the next payment!

CV---- Your critiques are due Tomorrow. If you are seeing a concert this weekend, Mrs. Patchett will accept the critique on Monday Oct. 29 with no penalty. Otherwise all critiques are due Tomorrow. If you could please turn in your critique early (before lunch) tomorrow, it will help Mrs. Patchett a lot.  She will be absent for 3rd period tomorrow and she would like to take as many critiques home to grade as possible over the weekend. If you have your critique now, Mrs. Patchett will take them. Remember to turn in your critique and your signed program together. Please paper clip or binder clip them together.

CV---- Don’t forget to speak to each of your other 3 teachers about missing school on Oct. 30 and do your make-up work before Oct. 30.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Beginning Chorus Wednesday 10/24/18

Wednesday 10/24/18    Beginning chorus
We worked on measures 22-32 in Hallelujah chorus, and we worked on measures 1-16 on Flow water. Since we took the Theory test for unit 1 we got our unit 2 packet today. We only talked about seeing whole and half steps on a piano. A way to tell the difference is if 2 keys are directly next to each other without one in between (even if 2 keys are touching there might be a black key between them) then it is a half step. If there is one in between (including black keys) then in is a whole step.

We have sight reading factory this week is going to be counted as a QUIZ grade you also only have ONE chance to do it before submitting. It simply is sight reading solfege (Do,Re,Mi...) on a staff with only 1 step at a time.


If you were called back for musical auditions, they will be after school on Thursday, tomorrow. Make sure you have prepared the materials well and read all the instructions. Make sure you know the dance very well.

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Luke B
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M

Beginning - You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.

Beginning - You have a required Informance on Nov. 19. This has been on the calendar since the beginning of the school year. It counts as a test grade for you to be there.  You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. We will perform around 7:15 and then we will be done no later then 7:45 pm. Your parents report to the auditorium at 7 pm for a brief meeting while you report to the choir room at 7 pm.

We will have the Southern Area Choral Festival Concert next Tuesday night at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They will be available to purchase online later this week or available at the door.  Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert on Wednesday Oct. 31st.

CC, October 24th, 2018

What we did in class today:
-We began unit 3 of theory, relative minor keys
-Worked on pages 15 to the end of "Sisi Ni Moja" and Kat played the drum!
-Worked on pages 10 and 11 of "With A Voice Of Singing"
-Worked on pages 8 and 9 of "Hallelujah"

Wednesday 10.24.18

If you were called back for musical auditions, they will be after school on Thursday, tomorrow. Make sure you have prepared the materials well and read all the instructions. Make sure you know the dance very well.

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Luke B
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M

Beginning - You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.

Beginning - You have a required Informance on Nov. 19. This has been on the calendar since the beginning of the school year. It counts as a test grade for you to be there.  You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. We will perform around 7:15 and then we will be done no later then 7:45 pm. Your parents report to the auditorium at 7 pm for a brief meeting while you report to the choir room at 7 pm.

Concert Choir- You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is stepwise tonal singing and it counts as a quiz grade. You have 1 attempt and 60 seconds to practice.

CV - You have a sight-reading assignment this week on sight-reading factory.  It is only a level 3 but you only have 10 seconds to look at it before it starts recording you.

We will have the Southern Area Choral Festival Concert next Tuesday night at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They will be available to purchase online later this week or available at the door.  Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert on Wednesday Oct. 31st.

CV ---- Your next trip payment of $100 was due last week.  You can make this payment online by credit card or bring in a check. If you have still not made your payment, please speak to or email Mrs. Patchett.

CV---- Your critiques are due this Friday, Oct. 26th. If you are seeing a concert the weekend of Oct. 26th, Mrs. Patchett will accept the critique on Monday Oct. 29 with no penalty. Otherwise all critiques are due Friday, Oct. 26th. If you could please turn in your critique early (before 3rd period) on Oct. 26, it will help Mrs. Patchett a lot.  She will be absent for 3rd period on Friday and she would like to take as many critiques home to grade as possible over the weekend.

CV---- Don’t forget to speak to each of your other 3 teachers about missing school on Oct. 30 and do your make-up work before Oct. 30.

CV- At 12:20 we need to set up the sound shells and risers in front of the blue tape on stage to make sure it will all fit in front of the set for the fall play. Please stop Mrs. Patchett at 12:20.

CV 10/24

Thank you to all who auditioned for the musical. There will be call-backs on Oct. 25. The Call Back List will be posted today with supplemental materials to learn ahead of time posted on the theater website.  Please leave this date open in case you are needed.

CV---- Your critiques are due Oct. 26th. If you are seeing a concert the weekend of Oct. 26th, Mrs. Patchett will accept the critique on Monday Oct. 29 with no penalty. Otherwise all critiques are due Friday, Oct. 26th.

CV---- Don’t forget to speak to each of your other 3 teachers about missing school on Oct. 30 and do your make-up work before Oct. 30.

- worked on songs for SACF 
- work on To a Friend for homework
and if you dont practice for monday you are going to embarrass yourself in front of the other choirs and they might come at you with this 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Beginning Chorus Monday 10/22/18

Monday 10/22/18   Beginning chorus
Today we just took a Test on all the music theory we've learned. Ask Mrs. Patchett if you missed it about make ups.

If you were called back for musical auditions, you need to be in the dance studio ready to move during lunch today. Call backs will be after school on Thursday.

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Luke B
Paul D
Hannah H
Keely M

We will have the Southern Area Choral Festival Concert next Tuesday night at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They will be available to purchase online later this week or available at the door.  Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert. On Wednesday Oct. 31st.

CC, October 22nd, 2018

What we did today:
-Worked on pages 7, 8, and 9 of "Hallelujah"
-Worked on pages 8, 9, and 10 of "How Good"
-Worked on pages 6, 7, and 8 of "Hallelujah, Amen"
-We then received the packet for the peanut fund raiser which is due November 5th

Announcements - Monday 10.22.18

If you were called back for musical auditions, you need to be in the dance studio ready to move during lunch today. Call backs will be after school on Thursday.

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Luke B
Paul D
Hannah H
Abby L
Keely M

We will have the Southern Area Choral Festival Concert next Tuesday night at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. They will be available to purchase online later this week or available at the door.  Students in Concert Choir or Beginning Choir will receive 5 points extra credit on their 1st quarter test if they attend and turn in a signed program from the concert. On Wednesday Oct. 31st.

CV - You will have a unit 1-4 test on Monday - It will be multiple choice.

Beginning - You will have a unit 1 test on Monday - it will be multiple choice

CV ---- Your next trip payment of $100 was due last week.  You can make this payment online by credit card or bring in a check. If you have still not made your payment, please speak to or email Mrs. Patchett.

CV---- Your critiques are due this Friday, Oct. 26th. If you are seeing a concert the weekend of Oct. 26th, Mrs. Patchett will accept the critique on Monday Oct. 29 with no penalty. Otherwise all critiques are due Friday, Oct. 26th.

CV---- Don’t forget to speak to each of your other 3 teachers about missing school on Oct. 30 and do your make-up work before Oct. 30.

Friday, October 19, 2018

CV 10/19


Our Mattress Sale is Oct. 20th. YOU can earn $25 per referral for every customer that comes in and purchases a mattress and says you were the one to refer them!  We will also need a few volunteers on Oct. 20 throughout the day. The sign up list is on charms.

stand in river
veni veni
men and womens piece
reviewed some monkeya

Thursday, October 18, 2018

CC October 18th, 2018

What we did today:
-worked on "How Good" pages 1-7
-worked on "Sisi Ni Moja" pages 1-5
-worked on "Hallelujah Chorus" pages 5 and 6

Announcements - Thursday 10.18.18

Thank you to all who auditioned for the musical. There will be call-backs on Oct. 25. The Call Back List will be posted tomorrow with supplemental materials to learn ahead of time posted on the theater website.  Please leave this date open in case you are needed.

Butterbraids will be delivered this TODAY. You need to plan to pick up your butterbraids right after school and get them to a freezer. The butterbraids can only be out of the freezer for 2 hours after you pick them up. If you have a conflict picking up your butterbraids, you need to speak to Mrs. Patchett asap.

Our Mattress Sale is THIS SATURDAY! Oct. 20th. YOU can earn $25 per referral for every customer that comes in and purchases a mattress and says you were the one to refer them!  We will also need a few volunteers on Oct. 20 throughout the day. The sign up list is on charms. We are trying to make $6000 and you can only do that by telling everyone you know about the mattress sale!!! --- Mrs. Patchett passes out signs, fliers etc.

Parent Name - Rosa Finely Moore - who’s parent?

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Luke B
Paul D
Hannah H
Abby L
Keely M

CV - You will have a unit 1-4 test on Monday - It will be multiple choice.

Beginning - You will have a unit 1 test on Monday - it will be multiple choice

CV ---- Your next trip payment of $100 is due today.  You can make this payment online by credit card or bring in a check. If you forgot today, please turn it in tomorrow. Or you can pay online tonight through charms.

CV---- Your critiques are due Oct. 26th. If you are seeing a concert the weekend of Oct. 26th, Mrs. Patchett will accept the critique on Monday Oct. 29 with no penalty. Otherwise all critiques are due Friday, Oct. 26th.

CV---- Don’t forget to speak to each of your other 3 teachers about missing school on Oct. 30 and do your make-up work before Oct. 30.

Patchett Announces - Bus Rider Passes

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

CV 10/16/18

Our Mattress Sale is Oct. 20th. YOU can earn $25 per referral for every customer that comes in and purchases a mattress and says you were the one to refer them!  We will also need a few volunteers on Oct. 20 throughout the day. The sign up list is on charms.

Musical Auditions will be Oct. 15 & 16. The application and sign-ups to audition have been posted online. There will be call-backs on Oct. 25.  Please leave this date open in case you are needed. Mostly likely, not everyone who auditioned will be called for call-backs.

Butterbraids will be delivered on Oct 18th. You need to plan to pick up your butterbraids right after school and get them to a freezer. The butterbraids can only be out of the freezer for 2 hours after you pick them up before they start to thaw and expand and will be ruined.

There will be a musical audition workshop today Friday B LUNCH.

Lowes Food Orders for this month are  Past Due please turn them in now if you want Lowes Foods Gift Cards.

CV ---- Your next trip payment of $100 is due Oct. 18.  You might try to get a few patrons to donate so that your trip payment is made for you through fundraising!!!!!

- worked on Ubi
*no breath from m. 19-20
* legato and not choppy starting m. 23
* breath m. 26
* decrescendo m. 28
- Monkeya
* stronger sffz. m. 12
* crescendo m. 23
* smooth m. 43-59
* mp m. 61
And Carson was eating in class, as usual, it was a sub today and I really wanted to eat it because I was hungry and only had a cookie for lunch

CC October 16th, 2018

What we did in class today:
- Warm-ups
- We worked specifically on following Mrs.Pattchett's conducting for ghost of tom
- We worked on the solfege for measures 8-15 in "Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day"
- We worked on the rhythm of page 5 for "Papa Loko" specifically measures 31 and 33
- We worked on Hallelujah part B page 4 for all four voice parts

Announcements - Tuesday 10.16.18

Musical Auditions started yesterday and will tomorrow. There will be call-backs on Oct. 25.  Please leave this date open in case you are needed.

Thank you to those to came out to Acme Pizza last night and supported the choir!

Butterbraids will be delivered this THURSDAY Oct 18th. You need to plan to pick up your butterbraids right after school and get them to a freezer. The butterbraids can only be out of the freezer for 2 hours after you pick them up. If you have a conflict picking up your butterbraids, you need to email Mrs. Patchett asap.

Our Mattress Sale is THIS SATURDAY! Oct. 20th. YOU can earn $25 per referral for every customer that comes in and purchases a mattress and says you were the one to refer them!  We will also need a few volunteers on Oct. 20 throughout the day. The sign up list is on charms. We are trying to make $6000 and you can only do that by telling everyone you know about the mattress sale!!! --- Mrs. Patchett passes out signs, fliers etc.

Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Haley A
Luke B
Paul D
Hannah H
Kiley H
Abby L
Keely M

Concert Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms:
Ellie K
CV - You will have a unit 1-4 test on Monday - It will be multiple choice.

Beginning - You will have a unit 1 test on Monday - it will be multiple choice

CV ---- Your next trip payment of $100 is due Oct. 18.  You can make this payment online by credit card

CV---- Your critiques are due Oct. 26th. If you are seeing a concert the weekend of Oct. 26th, Mrs. Patchett will accept the critique on Monday Oct. 29 with no penalty. Otherwise all critiques are due Friday, Oct. 26th.

CV---- Don’t forget to speak to each of your other 3 teachers about missing school on Oct. 30 and do your make-up work before Oct. 30.

Patchett Announces - Double check bus riders - concert choir & CV; Pass out winter concert music to absent people