Thursday 11/15/18
We started off class with some exercises to help us keep our necks aligned and our breaths tall. We then moved into Hallelujah Chorus. We worked on the last 3 pages of the song going over it and reminding ourselves of our parts. On Flow water we worked on phrasing. We were told to start louder and decrescendo until "river" where we crescendo through the "ver" in river and then slowly decrescendo till the end of the phrase. We repeat this similarly down the 1st page. We finally split to work on our separate men's and women's pieces. we worked on pages 11 and 12 in Sleigh bells and Mrs. Patchett will post separate part tracks on her website to so we can learn our parts for this women's only piece.
Come and see our school play, Treasure Island, Tomorrow or one of our two shows on Saturday. $15 for adults, $10 for children and students
Our Concert is Nov. 30. We give a 4:30 & 7:30 Concert. BOTH Concerts are required and count as a test grade. You will stay after school on Nov. 30. The booster club will provide dinner for you.
Our Dress rehearsal is Nov. 29, the day before the concert. It will be from 2:30-5:30. Students are required to be there the entire time. Students do NOT wear their concert attire to the dress rehearsal.
If you have any kind of conflict for the concerts or dress rehearsal, you must email Mrs. Patchett before Nov. 16 in order to have the opportunity to receive full credit for the grade.
Tickets are now on sale now on the chorus website. The link to the tickets will also be sent out on remind and on the charms email today. Tickets are $5. The 7:30 concert will more than likely sell out before the day of the concert, but some limited tickets may be available at the door. The 4:30 concert does not usually sell out but you should still get your tickets ahead of time so your families do not have to wait in line at the door. If you are a patron, the patron chair has already contacted you about your tickets.
Please be aware of what you do and do not put in the blue recycle bin. You do not put tissues or cups of any kind of chip bags. You can put paper, plastic bottles, or cans. No tape. Please look at the signs before you put anything in the blue recycle bins.
Beginning - You have a required Informance on Monday, Nov. 19. This is in 1 week from tomorrow. It counts as a test grade for you to be there. You need to be in the choir room at 7 pm. Dressed in normal school clothes.
Beginning Choir Students who need to turn in field trip forms: (don’t read names again)
Haley A
Hannah H
Keely M