Wednesday 1/23/19
Today we started class by learning the first 2 pages of "Ain't gonna let Nobody..." We received this music along with "My Very Own" and "Take me to the Water" Yesterday so if you weren't here you'll need to revive them from Mrs. Patchett as soon as possible.
We then talked about how to scan and post our new Music theory assignments. We were advised to download the apps, Student Canvas, and Genius Scan on our phones. Genius Scan will quickly take a picture of your work and make it a .PDF so you can post it on canvas. To log into Canvas, enter "Wake County public schools" into the find school prompt at the beginning. Then sign up for "Vocal Music- Mixed chorus-Beginning class that should be under your Join classes section. Under Assignments you'll see our first Theory assignment due tomorrow. You will need to print it out, complete it and use Genius scan to help upload it onto canvas.
We also took notes today on the basics of minor key signatures:
First, remember how for a Major key the key name is "DO" for that scale. minor scales are similar but their key names are "LA" for their scales. All Major keys and a relative minor key as well, which is just the letter name for "LA" instead of "DO" in the same scale. minor keys are written with a lowercase m, for example AM is a Major key but Am is a minor key. When given a Major key and told to write it as a minor key name just go down 2 letter names, example CM will go down to Am. You have to be careful because if the letter you go down to has an accidental (♭ or #) they minor key name will also have that accidental, example BM goes down to G#m. If you have any question see Mrs. Patchett tomorrow during B lunch.
And finally to round out class we learned measures 20-28 of "My Very Own" and listened to a recording of it.
All are called for Musical rehearsal tomorrow. We are going to start Full Disclosure, which is different than is what on the schedule.
There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern next Monday on Jan. 28.
Singing Valentines start to go on sale next Monday Jan. 28
There are 34 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)
Men who participated in Men’s Invitational, you need to return your music by the end of the week. You can turn it in on the piano.