Wednesday, January 30, 2019

CC January 30th 2019

what we did today:
-learned a new singing valentine, "Stay With Me"
-worked on "Dies Irae" pg 6
-we sight read from the books, in 3 parts sop, alt, and men
-theory lesson on triads and major scales
-we then worked on "Jubilate Deo" pg 5

Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019

Singing Valentines went on sale Monday.  They are available at lunch Wednesday and Thursday this week and they are always available online.

There are 28 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Canvas Music Theory Homework was due last Thursday. Mrs. Patchett is not counting it late if you turn it by today.  

Sight-reading Factory was due Friday 4 pm.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today for help in sight-reading factory or canvas music theory assignments.

Cv 1/30

Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019

Singing Valentines went on sale Monday.  They are available at lunch Wednesday and Thursday this week and they are always available online.

There are 28 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Canvas Music Theory Homework was due last Thursday. Mrs. Patchett is not counting it late if you turn it by today.  

Sight-reading Factory was due Friday 4 pm.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today for help in sight-reading factory or canvas music theory assignments

- reviewed Even When
- reviewed Great God
- went over seventh chords again for hw on Thursday

Even When
- m. 31- 45
- worked on solidifying notes
Great God
- beg.- 44

Mrs. Patchett and Beasly when we cant get the seventh chords
YoURe BeIng sTupID
Image result for your being stupid spongebob memes

Beginning Wednesday 1/30

Wednesday 1/30
We started our day by learning the last singing valentine, All Star, by Smash mouth. We learned measure 45-50 in My Very Own and went over the very end of Take Me to the Water which we learned yesterday. 

After that we took a few notes on Relative minor keys. We have Music theory on Canvas due TOMORROW so don't forget. The notes was really just a review on the minor key notes before we took on the 23rd. Just remember that just like the name of a Major key is DO the name of a minor key is LA. Also remember that a Natural minor scale is just a scale of notes starting with LA and don't have accidentals in the scale other than in the key signature.

  • Music theory due TOMORROW
  • Sight singing due FRIDAY

Singing Valentines went on sale Monday.  They are available at lunch Wednesday and Thursday this week and they are always available online.

There are 28 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Canvas Music Theory Homework was due last Thursday. Mrs. Patchett is not counting it late if you turn it by today.  

Sight-reading Factory was due Friday 4 pm.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Beginning Tuesday 1/29

Tuesday 1/29
We learned a new singing valentine song, Stay with me, and we reviewed all the others we've learned. They are now for sale for $3. We reviewed My very own up to page 6, we have not learned measures 15-16 yet. We learned the last page of Take Me to the Water and went over the round just before the end of the song.


Singing Valentines went on sale yesterday.  They are available at lunch Wednesday and Thursday this week and they are always available online.

There are 29 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Canvas Music Theory Homework was due last Thursday. Mrs. Patchett is not counting it late if you turn it by today.  

Sight-reading Factory was due Friday b 4 pm.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today for help in sight-reading factory or canvas music theory assignments.

CV 1/29

Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019

Thanks to all who came out to support the chorus at Mason Jar Tavern last night!

Singing Valentines went on sale yesterday.  They are available at lunch Wednesday and Thursday this week and they are always available online.

There are 29 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Canvas Music Theory Homework was due last Thursday. Mrs. Patchett is not counting it late if you turn it by today.  

Sight-reading Factory was due Friday b 4 pm.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today for help in sight-reading factory or canvas music theory assignments.

- Mrs. Patchett was absent today so Ms. Beasly led class(very well ;) )
- ran Great God beg.-  end of bullwhip part
- ran Haec dies beg.- beg. of Allelujah part

Ms. Beasly

Image result for cartoon bee conducting music

Monday, January 28, 2019

CC January 28th 2019

What we did today:
-learned the arrangement of a new singing valentines "Friends Theme Song"
-we practiced sight reading from the MPA books
-"Jubilate Deo" pronunciation and m.18
-we worked in sections, men went with Ms.Beasley and the women worked with Mrs.Patchett
-we worked on "Voices of The Night" pg 18 and "Dies Irae"

The Chorus room is closed at lunch today for meetings.
Monday, Jan. 28, 2019

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern today! Go eat at the Mason Jar in Holly Springs and mention the chorus when you pay.

Singing Valentines start to go on sale today!

There are 30 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Canvas Music Theory Homework was due last Thursday. Mrs. Patchett is not counting it late if you turn it by today.  

Sight-reading Factory was due Friday by 4 pm.

Beginning Monday 1/28

Monday 1/28
We learned a new Singing valentine song, they went on sale today for $3. We worked on SR and looked at the MPA packets to see examples of what the test will look like at MPA.

We learned measures 34-44 in My Very Own. There is a Soprano split in measures 42-44 and we did learn the split in our roles. We worked on pages 8 and 9 in Take Me to the Water.

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern today! Go eat at the Mason Jar in Holly Springs and mention the chorus when you pay.

Singing Valentines start to go on sale today!

There are 30 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Canvas Music Theory Homework was due last Thursday. Mrs. Patchett is not counting it late if you turn it by today.  

Sight-reading Factory was due Friday by 4 pm.

CV 1/28

Monday, Jan. 28, 2019

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern today! Go eat at the Mason Jar in Holly Springs and mention the chorus when you pay.

Singing Valentines start to go on sale today!

There are 30 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Canvas Music Theory Homework was due last Thursday. Mrs. Patchett is not counting it late if you turn it by today.  

Sight-reading Factory was due Friday by 4 pm.

The Chorus room is closed at lunch today for meetings.

- worked hard on Haec dies
- Ms. Beasly taught some of Even When

Haec dies
- ran through from beg.- m.41
- worked 32-41 ALOT
- make sure notes are really strong up until 41
Even When
- made sure men knew what parts to sing
- m. 30-36

when the men can never remember what part they were told to sing for Even When 
Image result for annoyed meme

Friday, January 25, 2019

CV 1/25

Friday, Jan. 25, 2019

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern this coming Monday on Jan. 28.  

Singing Valentines start to go on sale this coming Monday  Jan. 28

There are 31 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Men who participated in Men’s Invitational, you need to return  your music by today. You can turn it in on the piano.

Canvas Music Theory Homework was due yesterday. Mrs. Patchett is not counting it late if you turn it by Monday.  Please try to get help with technology and questions today at lunch.

Sight-reading Factory is due today by 4 pm.

- went over new singing valentines songs
- made the video for cameryn to make
- reviewed a little of Haec dies

valentines day is coming up... i will be with my dog who i love dearly 
Image result for valentines day meme

Thursday, January 24, 2019

CC January 24th 2019

What we did today:
- warm-ups
- sight reading in 3 parts: soprano, alto, and men
- "Dies Irae" pg 5: listened to a recording and then worked on it
- reviewed " Come & Go" one of the many ~beloved~ singing valentines
- "Voices of The Night" pgs 4-6
- "Jubilate Deo" pgs 3-5

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern next Monday on Jan. 28.  

Singing Valentines start to go on sale next Monday  Jan. 28

There are 32 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Men who participated in Men’s Invitational, you need to return  your music by the end of the week. You can turn it in on the piano.

CV 1/24

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern next Monday on Jan. 28.  

Singing Valentines start to go on sale next Monday  Jan. 28

There are 32 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Men who participated in Men’s Invitational, you need to return  your music by the end of the week. You can turn it in on the piano.

- went over Great God
- looked some at Haec Dies
Great God
- m.44- 53
- worked mens notes to perfect
- went over womens 
Haec dies
- m.24-31 KNOW

"My Girl" group trying to remember our arrangement
Image result for uh oh meme

Beginning Thursday 1/24/19

Thursday 1/24/19
We first reviewed/learned measures 3-12 and 21-29 in Take Me to the Water. Then we worked on more of our Singing Valentine music, the name of the song we worked on i can't remember but we learned the very beginning before exams, if that helps at all. We rounded out our period with reviewing and learning measures 20-31 in My very own.

General reminders
- Your music theory was due Today you can print it out on Canvas and using the Genius scan app you can easily upload to Canvas
- Sight reading is due Tomorrow 
- Practice sight reading


There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern next Monday on Jan. 28.  

Singing Valentines start to go on sale next Monday  Jan. 28

There are 32 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Men who participated in Men’s Invitational, you need to return  your music by the end of the week. You can turn it in on the piano.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

CV 1/23

Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2019

Musical rehearsal is this afternoon in the auditorium. It begins at 2:30. Be on time.

All are called for Musical rehearsal tomorrow. We are going to start Full Disclosure, which is different than is what on the schedule.

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern next Monday on Jan. 28.  

Singing Valentines start to go on sale next Monday  Jan. 28

There are 34 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

If you are a secretary for a class, you need to start again putting daily notes into the blog starting today.

Men who participated in Men’s Invitational, you need to return  your music by the end of the week. You can turn it in on the piano.

CV - Kalina H don’t forget to get your hoodie after class.

Beginning - Julia W - see Mrs. Patchett to purchase your hoodie

- reviewed Even When
- reviewed Haec dies
- went over seventh chords
- looked briefly at Great God

Even When
- all of pg. 5-6
- worked the clashy notes a lot
- figured out exactly what ppl are singing
Haec Dies
- all pg. 1-2
- just reviewed notes
Great God
- ran very beg. for about 5 sec.

when mrs. patchett is explaining music theory 
Image result for confused meme

Beginning chorus Wednesday 1/23/19

Wednesday 1/23/19
Today we started class by learning the first 2 pages of "Ain't gonna let Nobody..." We received this music along with "My Very Own" and "Take me to the Water" Yesterday so if you weren't here you'll need to revive them from Mrs. Patchett as soon as possible. 
We then talked about how to scan and post our new Music theory assignments. We were advised to download the apps, Student Canvas, and Genius Scan on our phones. Genius Scan will quickly take a picture of your work and make it a .PDF so you can post it on canvas. To log into Canvas, enter "Wake County public schools" into the find school prompt at the beginning. Then sign up for "Vocal Music- Mixed chorus-Beginning class that should be under your Join classes section. Under Assignments you'll see our first Theory assignment due tomorrow. You will need to print it out, complete it and use Genius scan to help upload it onto canvas.

We also took notes today on the basics of minor key signatures:
First, remember how for a Major key the key name is "DO" for that scale. minor scales are similar but their key names are "LA" for their scales. All Major keys and a relative minor key as well, which is just the letter name for "LA" instead of "DO" in the same scale. minor keys are written with a lowercase m, for example AM is a Major key but Am is a minor key. When given a Major key and told to write it as a minor key name just go down 2 letter names, example CM will go down to Am. You have to be careful because if the letter you go down to has an accidental (♭ or #) they minor key name will also have that accidental, example BM goes down to G#m. If you have any question see Mrs. Patchett tomorrow during B lunch.

And finally to round out class we learned measures 20-28 of "My Very Own" and listened to a recording of it.


All are called for Musical rehearsal tomorrow. We are going to start Full Disclosure, which is different than is what on the schedule.

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern next Monday on Jan. 28.  

Singing Valentines start to go on sale next Monday  Jan. 28

There are 34 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Men who participated in Men’s Invitational, you need to return  your music by the end of the week. You can turn it in on the piano.

CC, January 23rd 2019

What we did in class today:
- warm-ups
- sight reading in 3 parts: Soprano, Alto, and Baritone
- "Jubilate Deo" pgs 3 and 4
- we set up our canvas accounts and made sure we could log in
- music theory lesson on Unit 5: Triads

Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2019

Musical rehearsal is this afternoon in the auditorium. It begins at 2:30. Be on time.

All are called for Musical rehearsal tomorrow. We are going to start Full Disclosure, which is different than is what on the schedule.

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern next Monday on Jan. 28.  

Singing Valentines start to go on sale next Monday  Jan. 28

There are 34 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

If you are a secretary for a class, you need to start again putting daily notes into the blog starting today.

Men who participated in Men’s Invitational, you need to return  your music by the end of the week. You can turn it in on the piano.

CV - Kalina H don’t forget to get your hoodie after class.

Beginning - Julia W - see Mrs. Patchett to purchase your hoodie

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

CV 1/22

Monday, Jan. 22, 2019

Happy 2nd semester!

Musical rehearsal is this afternoon in the chorus room. It begins at 2:30. Be on time.

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern on Jan. 28.  

Singing Valentines start to go on sale Jan. 28

There are 34 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

If you are a secretary for a class, you need to start again putting daily notes into the blog starting today.

Concert Choir - Hunter G, Shanee Y, Andrew K, See Mrs. Patchett for your hoodie

CV - Carson G, Kalina H, see mrs. Patchett for your hoodie

Beginning - Julia W - see Mrs. Patchett to purchase your hoodie

- Reviewed the class expectations 
- Received a sheet that needs to be signed by parents and you about new dates and information 
- Reviewed Haec dies and Even When He is Silent
Haec dies: 
- looked at beg. - m. 22 (MUST KNOW TOMORROW) 
- reviewed pg.5 and top of 6
Even When...
- reviewed beg. - m.10 
- made sure notes were super tight 

When Mrs. Patchett calls you out for not updating the blog 
Image result for ashamed meme

CC, January 22nd 2019

What we did today:
- warm-ups
- sight reading split into 2 parts, men and women
- we were given 3 new pieces of music
- we numbered all of our measures for each piece
- we then worked on "Voices of The Night" pg. 4

Monday, Jan. 22, 2019

Happy 2nd semester!

Musical rehearsal is this afternoon in the chorus room. It begins at 2:30. Be on time.

There is a spirit night at mason jar tavern on Jan. 28.  

Singing Valentines start to go on sale Jan. 28

There are 34 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

If you are a secretary for a class, you need to start again putting daily notes into the blog starting today.

Concert Choir - Hunter G, Shanee Y, Andrew K, See Mrs. Patchett for your hoodie

CV - Carson G, Kalina H, see mrs. Patchett for your hoodie

Beginning - Julia W - see Mrs. Patchett to purchase your hoodie

Thursday, January 3, 2019

CC January 3rd, 2019

Today In Class:
- Warm-ups
- Sang "Hallelujah, Amen" which we will most likely be singing for our informance on Monday, the 7th
- Practiced sight reading on levels 3, 4, and 5. This is in preparation for our exam, which will be a level 4 and begin on Monday, the 7th
- Began working and reviewing "Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day".

Thursday January 3, 2019

Happy New Year!

Men participating in Men’s Invitational, the event is a week from Friday. You are expected to practice your music at home. We will also have lunch rehearsals during some B LUNCHes starting tomorrow.  Please meet in the chorus room tomorrow B LUNCH, as well as Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday B LUNCH. Mrs. Patchett has your copies of music today. Please see her at the end of announcements.

Students, we have 7 classes left until exams begin. You will begin the sight-reading portion of your exam on Monday Jan 7. In addition to sight-reading next week, you will have a review guide you will be working through to turn in on your exam day.  

If you are auditioning for Governor’s School, please see Mrs. Patchett today at the end of announcements or during a class transition or after class.

There is a Tri-M Music Honor Society Meeting Wednesday B Lunch next week.

Don’t forget to turn in your composite pictures. You need to turn them in with a parent signature or with money in the envelope because you are planning to purchase.  Purchase is not required. They are due Monday.1