Tuesday, February 19, 2019
There are 15 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)
There are no more Canvas Music Theory Assignments until after MPA. The next assignment is due Friday March 15. Dates have been adjusted. Sight Reading Factory is still due this week. This week it counts as a regular written assignment, but next week it is a quiz grade.
All students - it is cold and flu season. WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!! DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet. Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.
We will have a singing quiz on Friday for MPA. You must have all your notes and rhythms and words memorized for the quiz for both pieces.
CV- We will have a singing quiz on Friday for MPA. You must have all your notes and rhythms and words learned, but not memorized for the quiz for all three songs.
CV Trip Money is past due. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett. Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.
CV - Don’t forget you have a required parent/student Trip meeting February 26 at 7 pm. Do NOT FORGET. You must attend if you are traveling with us to DC!
Mrs. Patchett - Passes out MPA Information
- ran all of Haec
- singing quiz on friday(most likely Haec)
- went over logistical things for MPA(Let Patchett know if you can volunteer those days)