Thursday, February 28, 2019

Beginning 2/28

Thursday 2/28
     We didn't do a lot today we just ran our two songs twice. We worked on facial expressions and being 'grounded' in our body to better our sound.

  • SIR due TOMORROW at 4:00 it is a QUIZ GRADE

There are 9 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

This week sight-reading factory counts as a quiz grade. Make sure you complete it! You will have 3 attempts.

All students - please do everything you can do to stay well! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

CV 2/28

Thursday, February 28, 2019

There are 9 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

This week sight-reading factory counts as a quiz grade. Make sure you complete it! You will have 3 attempts.

All students - please do everything you can do to stay well! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

If you missed school Friday & Monday, you missed the Singing quiz and Singing quiz make-up. Please see Mrs. Patchett today at lunch to make up the singing quiz.

CV Trip Money is past due. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

- worked on Even When/ran the whole thing
- worked on making Haec dynamic as well as light and airy

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Beginning Wednesday 2/27

Wednesday 2/27
     Take me to the Water. remember to pay attention to where we end a phrase in a 1/16 note. And know your notes

     My very Own. Don't slow down we keep falling behind tempo and the pickups. When we sing 'my love my very own' almost combined the v sound in love with the m of my going vmy so that we don't slow down. In measures 45-50 there are two large crescendos one during 'go' and the other during 'live' the first one is very big going from mp to mf in only 2 beats. 

  • SIR due FRIDAY it is a QUIZ GRADE

There are 10 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

This week sight-reading factory counts as a quiz grade. Make sure you complete it! You will have 3 attempts.

All students - please do everything you can do to stay well! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

If you missed school Friday & Monday, you missed the Singing quiz and Singing quiz make-up. Please see Mrs. Patchett today at lunch to make up the singing quiz.

CC February 27th 2019

What we did today:
-warm ups
-men went with mrs patchett into the ensemble room to work on our pieces of music
-women stayed out to work with ms beasley
-make sure you are practicing your parts in preparation for MPA 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

There are 11 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

This week sight-reading factory counts as a quiz grade. Make sure you complete it! You will have 3 attempts.

All students - please do everything you can do to stay well! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

If you missed school Friday & Monday, you missed the Singing quiz and Singing quiz make-up. Please see Mrs. Patchett today at lunch to make up the singing quiz.

CV Trip Money is past due. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

CV - Don’t forget you have a required parent/student Trip meeting TODAY at 7 pm. Do NOT FORGET. You and a parent representative must attend if you are traveling with us to DC!

Welcome to Mrs. Covington! Mrs. Covington is here today to listen to our MPA music and give us feedback to help improve as we continue to improve and polish our music.

CV 2/27

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

There are 10 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

This week sight-reading factory counts as a quiz grade. Make sure you complete it! You will have 3 attempts.

All students - please do everything you can do to stay well! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

If you missed school Friday & Monday, you missed the Singing quiz and Singing quiz make-up. Please see Mrs. Patchett today at lunch to make up the singing quiz.

CV Trip Money is past due. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

- spent entire class on Even When
* sectionals with Beasly and Patchett
* worked men on having correct notes and women on phrasing and dynamics
*long class, but I would say also productive

Image result for meme about making progress

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Beginning Tuesday 2/26

Tuesday 2/26
Mrs. Covington came in today and listened to our singing and gave us some notes.

Wade in the Water. Every 'Take me,Take me ,Take me to the water' the ter of water is short only 1/16 note. We need to make 'me' darker and remember our phrasing.

My Very own. Remember the V sound every time we say love. When saying Beautiful on page 6 remember that it is pronounced BEAU-ti-ful with the beau being stressed.

  • SIR due FRIDAY it is a QUIZ

There are 11 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

This week sight-reading factory counts as a quiz grade. Make sure you complete it! You will have 3 attempts.

All students - please do everything you can do to stay well! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

If you missed school Friday & Monday, you missed the Singing quiz and Singing quiz make-up. Please see Mrs. Patchett today at lunch to make up the singing quiz.

CC February 26th 2019

What we did today:
-warm ups
-mrs covington joined us to help with our MPA music!
-we worked on voices of the night, the first few pages
-we also worked on Jubilate and worked closely on the first few pages

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

There are 11 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

This week sight-reading factory counts as a quiz grade. Make sure you complete it! You will have 3 attempts.

All students - please do everything you can do to stay well! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

If you missed school Friday & Monday, you missed the Singing quiz and Singing quiz make-up. Please see Mrs. Patchett today at lunch to make up the singing quiz.

CV Trip Money is past due. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

CV - Don’t forget you have a required parent/student Trip meeting TODAY at 7 pm. Do NOT FORGET. You and a parent representative must attend if you are traveling with us to DC!

Welcome to Mrs. Covington! Mrs. Covington is here today to listen to our MPA music and give us feedback to help improve as we continue to improve and polish our music.

CV 2/26

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

There are 11 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

This week sight-reading factory counts as a quiz grade. Make sure you complete it! You will have 3 attempts.

All students - please do everything you can do to stay well! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

If you missed school Friday & Monday, you missed the Singing quiz and Singing quiz make-up. Please see Mrs. Patchett today at lunch to make up the singing quiz.

CV Trip Money is past due. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

CV - Don’t forget you have a required parent/student Trip meeting TODAY at 7 pm. Do NOT FORGET. You and a parent representative must attend if you are traveling with us to DC!

Welcome to Mrs. Covington! Mrs. Covington is here today to listen to our MPA music and give us feedback to help improve as we continue to improve and polish our music.

- Mrs. Covington came in and helped work all three pieces 
- make sure you know notes now for all songs 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Beginning Monday 2/25

Monday 2/25
     My very own. Just some more general points. mostly taller vowels, watch Mrs. Patchett for dynamics and remember your phrasing. Also hit the V sound every time we sing love, we rarely do it enough. One specific thing, we now can take a breath between 'beautiful beyond compare.' and 'how beautiful' but we have to crescendo through the long 'beautiful'.
     Take Me to the Water. Same as My very own tall vowels, every water is pronounced 'wader' with no t. We also did some work on the ending building the final 'take me' cord also how we are ending the piece is a little up in the air so watch Mrs. Patchett when we sing the last phrase.
      We spent the end of class talking about how now that we have the energy and are really getting into the phrasing that energy needs to come from our hearts. We've started talking about the meanings and differing tones of our two songs. My Very Own being a song of professing your deep love for someone else, and Take Me being a song that slaves would sing telling escapees how to get away from dogs by wadding in water to loose their scent.

  • SIR due FRIDAY it is a QUIZ GRADE and you only have 3 ATTEMPTS

There are 12 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

This week sight-reading factory counts as a quiz grade. Make sure you complete it! You will have 3 attempts.

All students - please do everything you can do to stay well! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

If you missed the singing quiz on Friday, you will need your cell phone and you need to log into charms so we can make sure you get the quiz done.

Tomorrow we will have our clinician, Mrs. Covington with us. Please show her how awesome you are from the moment you walk in. Be in your seat and SILENT by the bell.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Beginning Thursday 2/21

Thursday 2/21
     Take me to the Water. We started at the start of the song working on phrasing and Mrs. Patchett asked us what we would want. We ended up 'leaning' into every 'Take me' and than having a quick decrescendo followed by a strong crescendo for 'spirit can be free'. We then skipped ahead to measures 27-29. We emphasized both 'God's' and 'trouble' in that phrase, leaning into each word then backing off the crescendo for 'water'. Also important, we talked about the tone and style differences between our 2 songs. 

     My Very Own. We only worked on measures 36-44. remember to lean into the first 'beautiful' and we worked on the Tenor and Bass notes a lot since they weren't getting their part exactly right. Don't breath between 'beyond compare' and 'How beautiful' but Do breath between 'How beautiful' and 'better than wine'

A quick not for both songs. Tall vowels for both songs.

There are 15 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

There are no more Canvas Music Theory Assignments until after MPA. The next assignment is due Friday March 15.  Dates have been adjusted. Sight Reading Factory is still due this week. This week it counts as a regular written assignment, but next week it is a quiz grade.  

All students - it is cold and flu season. WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

Beg & CC We will have a singing quiz on Friday for MPA.  You must have all your notes and rhythms and words memorized for the quiz for both pieces.

CC February 21st 2019

What we did today:
- warm ups
- singing quiz on friday! "voices" must be memorized
- sight reading SAB
- ran through "Voices of the Night" and then worked closely on any questions
- ran through "Jubilate Deo" then worked closely on pgs 1-5
- discussed news regarding the App State field trip

There are 15 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

There are no more Canvas Music Theory Assignments until after MPA. The next assignment is due Friday March 15.  Dates have been adjusted. Sight Reading Factory is still due this week. This week it counts as a regular written assignment, but next week it is a quiz grade.  

All students - it is cold and flu season. WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

We will have a singing quiz on Friday for MPA.  You must have all your notes and rhythms and words memorized for the quiz for both pieces.

CV- We will have a singing quiz on Friday for MPA.  You must have all your notes and rhythms and words learned, but not memorized for the quiz for all three songs.

CV Trip Money is past due. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

CV - Don’t forget you have a required parent/student Trip meeting February 26 at 7 pm. Do NOT FORGET. You must attend if you are traveling with us to DC!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

CV 2/19

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

There are 15 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

There are no more Canvas Music Theory Assignments until after MPA. The next assignment is due Friday March 15.  Dates have been adjusted. Sight Reading Factory is still due this week. This week it counts as a regular written assignment, but next week it is a quiz grade.  

All students - it is cold and flu season. WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

We will have a singing quiz on Friday for MPA.  You must have all your notes and rhythms and words memorized for the quiz for both pieces.

CV- We will have a singing quiz on Friday for MPA.  You must have all your notes and rhythms and words learned, but not memorized for the quiz for all three songs.

CV Trip Money is past due. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

CV - Don’t forget you have a required parent/student Trip meeting February 26 at 7 pm. Do NOT FORGET. You must attend if you are traveling with us to DC!

Mrs. Patchett - Passes out MPA Information

- ran all of Haec
- singing quiz on friday(most likely Haec)
- went over logistical things for MPA(Let Patchett know if you can volunteer those days)

CC February 19th 2019

What we did today:
- warm ups 
- "Voices of The Night" pg 11
- we then went over all the logistics for MPA which is only 15 rehearsals away!
- we got a sheet going over the whole itinerary

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

There are 15 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

There are no more Canvas Music Theory Assignments until after MPA. The next assignment is due Friday March 15.  Dates have been adjusted. Sight Reading Factory is still due this week. This week it counts as a regular written assignment, but next week it is a quiz grade.  

All students - it is cold and flu season. WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!! As we get closer to MPA we need EVERYONE well and in class for rehearsal.

We will have a singing quiz on Friday for MPA.  You must have all your notes and rhythms and words memorized for the quiz for both pieces.

CV- We will have a singing quiz on Friday for MPA.  You must have all your notes and rhythms and words learned, but not memorized for the quiz for all three songs.

CV Trip Money is past due. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

CV - Don’t forget you have a required parent/student Trip meeting February 26 at 7 pm. Do NOT FORGET. You must attend if you are traveling with us to DC!

Mrs. Patchett - Passes out MPA Information

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Beginning Thursday 1/14

Thursday 1/14
Happy valentines day everyone!!! We spent all of class delivering the singing valentines.

There are 18 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Make sure you are keeping up with your canvas music theory assignments and yours sight-reading factory assignments.  There are no sight-reading factory assignments or canvas due this week.

All students - it is cold and flu season.  There are some nasty mean bugs going around.  WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Beginning Wednesday 2/13

Wednesday 2/13
Today we worked on our singing valentines for most of class today. We were given our groups as well. We then practiced with our groups of 6-8. Remember that every group will have 2-3 CV kids with them, we will talk with them tomorrow.

Hopefully this link will give you the list of the singing valentine groups. If you aren’t listed talk to Mrs.Patchett.
There are 18 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Make sure you are keeping up with your canvas music theory assignments and yours sight-reading factory assignments.  There are no sight-reading factory assignments or canvas due this week.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today. Please come in for help at lunch for sight-reading or theory

All students - it is cold and flu season.  There are some nasty mean bugs going around.  WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!!

CC February 13th 2019

What we did today:
-warm ups, Dr.Huff was here to observe Ms.Beasley
-sight reading in 4 parts, SATB
-we then worked on "Voices of The Night"
-we then got our group assignments for singing valentines and split off into those groups to decide who is singing what

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Singing Valentines Day is Tomorrow! Remember to wear pink or red tomorrow.  If you don’t own pink or red, please wear black or white.

There are 18 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Make sure you are keeping up with your canvas music theory assignments and yours sight-reading factory assignments.  There are no sight-reading factory assignments due this week.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today. Please come in for help at lunch for sight-reading or theory

All students - it is cold and flu season.  There are some nasty mean bugs going around.  WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!!

CV Trip Money was due last Friday. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Beginning Tuesday 2/12

Tuesday 2/12
     For starters almost all the sopranos and some altos got new seats. Mrs. Patchett switched sopranos 1 and 2 so now soprano 1 is in the back 2 rows and soprano 2 is in the front 3 rows. Some altos got switched around but not many so just sit in your normal seat tomorrow. 
     In working with both of the songs we worked a lot on moving our singing 'forward' in our face. We talked about it on a scale 10 being super nasally and you feel buzzing in your nose and right under your eyes. 1 is basically swallowing the sound, your tongue is far back in your mouth and you feel the sound at the base of your neck. Basses overall need to have the sound farther up more often. They tend to need a 6 or 7 even though they want to sing at a 3. In Take Me to The Water we worked a lot on pages 6-7 getting the basses to sing at a 6 and having everyone else lean in to every 'wade' during that section. In My Very Own we went over all the small things we need to do on pages 4-5. We worked on phrasing, crescendos and decrescendos, a lot of work on vowels and hitting some of the consonants.

  • Canvas homework due THURSDAY
  • NO sight reading this week

This is the last week of sales for Singing Valentines. Today is the absolute last day to purchase!!! Please please please tell all your friends to purchase a singing valentine for someone today or tomorrow!

There are 19 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Make sure you are keeping up with your canvas music theory assignments and yours sight-reading factory assignments.  There are no sight-reading factory assignments due this week.

Please come in for help at lunch for sight-reading or theory

All students - it is cold and flu season.  There are some nasty mean bugs going around.  WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!!

CC February 12th 2019

What we did today:
-warm ups
-practice groups, good vs bad singing valentines
-"Jubilate Deo" pg 10 and 11
-we then ran the whole piece

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

This is the last week of sales for Singing Valentines. Today is the absolute last day to purchase!!! Please please please tell all your friends to purchase a singing valentine for someone today or tomorrow!

There are 19 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Make sure you are keeping up with your canvas music theory assignments and yours sight-reading factory assignments.  There are no sight-reading factory assignments due this week.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today. Please come in for help at lunch for sight-reading or theory

All students - it is cold and flu season.  There are some nasty mean bugs going around.  WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!!

CV Trip Money was due this Friday. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

Monday, February 11, 2019

CC February 11th 2019

What we did today:
-warm ups
-sight reading in 2 parts: women and men
-worked on "Jubilate Deo" pg 9 mostly and ran the whole piece
-ran "Voices of The Night" and worked closely on pg 4
-ran through all singing valentines

Monday, February 1, 2019

This is the last week of sales for Singing Valentines. You can purchase today but Tomorrow is the absolute last day to purchase!!! Please please please tell all your friends to purchase a singing valentine for someone today or tomorrow!

There are 20 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Make sure you are keeping up with your canvas music theory assignments and yours sight-reading factory assignments.  There are no sight-reading factory assignments due this week.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today. Please come in for help at lunch for sight-reading or theory

Lowes Foods Gift Card money was due last Friday. Did anyone want to purchase lowes foods gift cards and forgot?

All students - it is cold and flu season.  There are some nasty mean bugs going around.  WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!!

CV Trip Money was due this Friday. At this point if you have not paid your trip in full, you need to email Mrs. Patchett.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

Beginning Monday 2/11

Monday 2/11
We started with reviewing our singing valentines. We will be getting our groups on Wednesday. We then worked on transitions in Take Me to the Water. We worked a lot on the final 4 measures of the song making sure every single part can move from the round on pages 8-9 in to the ending 'Take me, Take me, Take me' where the sopranos split into 2 spots. In My Very Own we've transitioned to now nit-picking our phrasing. We talked about things like going right from the v sound in love to 'my very own' also hitting the n in own harder. We generally need to hit the consonants more through out the entire piece. 


This is the last week of sales for Singing Valentines. You can purchase today but Tomorrow is the absolute last day to purchase!!! Please please please tell all your friends to purchase a singing valentine for someone today or tomorrow!

There are 20 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Make sure you are keeping up with your canvas music theory assignments and yours sight-reading factory assignments.  There are no sight-reading factory assignments due this week.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today. Please come in for help at lunch for sight-reading or theory

Lowes Foods Gift Card money was due last Friday. Did anyone want to purchase lowes foods gift cards and forgot?

All students - it is cold and flu season.  There are some nasty mean bugs going around.  WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

CV 2/8

Friday, February 8, 2019

Singing Valentines are on sale.  They are available at lunch this week, Thursday and Friday! You can also purchase online!

There are 21 rehearsals until we go to MPA (music performance adjudication)

Canvas Music Theory Homework is due tomorrow.

Sight-reading Factory is due Friday at 4 pm.

The Chorus room is open at lunch today. Please come in for help at lunch for sight-reading or theory

Lowes Foods Gift Card money is due this Friday if you would like to purchase any lowes food gift cards money.

All students - it is cold and flu season.  PLEASE PLEASE make sure you wash your hands OFTEN and drink a lot of water.  DO NOT drink after each other! You may feel fine now, but you might be sharing a cold you don’t know you have yet.  Bring your OWN water bottle to school and drink at least 64 oz of water a day!!!!

CV Trip Money is due this Friday.  Please make sure you check the bottom of your ledger in charms to see if you had carry over money from last year.

-Mrs. Patchett was out, so Beasly taught class
- ran Hec dies (Allelujah part)
- sung all of Great God