Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wednesday 8/29/18 Day 3

All classes finished going through our Chorus Handbook Today

Beginning Choir received a hard copy of the handbook

All Classes received the homework and forms associated with the handbook too fill out, sign and return to Mrs. Patchett by Friday Aug. 31st.  

All Students are expected to read the handbook with their parents.  The electronic version can be found on our website, or click here.

All Students are expected to fill out the forms and have student and parent signatures where necessary and turn them in on Friday Aug. 31

In ALL CLASSES Field Trip forms and an accompanying letter were sent home today also. Those are all due Friday.

Honors Chorus Auditions are Tomorrow from 2:30-4 pm. If your child is auditioning, please make sure you pick him/her up on time at 4 pm.  She/he may be done early, if they audition early.

Monday, August 27, 2018


What a great first day we had today!
We sang, we worked on rhythm, and tonal pitch center. We reviewed handbook materials & emergency procedures.  It was a great day. 

Handbooks and paperwork will go home Wednesday and signed papers will be due back on Friday.

There is a required parent/student meeting Sept 4th at 7 pm the auditorium.