Sunday, October 23, 2016

CV- 10/21/16


Today is the last day to sign-up to audition for the Musical.  Please make sure you fill out the information form and sign-up for an audition time.

Butterbraids were delivered yesterday - if you did not pick up your order, see Mrs. Patchett at the end of class.  If you took your order home and had any issues please see Mrs. Patchett after class.

HSHS has started teacher of the year nominations.  Students, parents and teachers can nominate a teacher of their choosing.  There are a few paper forms on the front table in the chorus room, or the nomination form is on the HSHS website.

We started peanuts and greenery fundraisers Monday.  If you were absent Monday, Mrs. Patchett will give you your fundraising materials  today.  Raise your hand if you need fundraising materials.

Concert & CV - Beginning choir is giving an informance Tuesday Nov. 1st @ 7pm.  Beginning choir students are required to attend.  It is also a parent meeting.  Please encourage your parents to come to the very brief meeting.  Mrs. Patchett would also love to see a large group of concert choir and Colla Voce students in the audience to support Beginning choir in their first performance on stage. Again, the date is Nov. 1st 7 pm in the auditorium.

CV - Carleigh Jo - see Mrs. Patchett

CV - Your next trip deposit of $200 is due October 26th


Did some listening activities to help prepare for our madrigal quiz on Monday.

Talked about the composition project. If you're working with a band student, you need to have your lyrics given to Mrs. Patchett before second period on Monday so the band kids have a chance to work on their part of the project.

Madrigal Notes:


IPA:  International Phonetic Alphabet

The set of symbols that provide a consistent and universally understood system for transcribing the speech sounds of any language.

[a]    “Father”
[e]    …the Fonz… “Chaotic”
[ɛ]    “bet” “pet” “let”
[i]     “seat”
[o]    “hotel”
[ɔ]    “opera”   “contest”
[u]    “flute”

Renaissance: approximately 1400-1600

Homophonic: accompanying parts in the same rhythm as the melody. 

Polyphonic: producing many sounds simultaneously.

Madrigal Characteristics

Single stanza with no refrains or repeated lines-- the music is through-composed, with new music for every line of poetry.

Topics included love songs and pastoral scenes

From Early Renaissance to Late Renaissance (High Renaissance), the number of voice parts increases from 2 voice parts to 5-6 voice parts.

Early Madrigals are more homophonic than High Renaissance madrigals. 

From Early Renaissance to High Renaissance, harmony becomes more complex. More dissonant chords.

Sight Reading: none :)

Homework: Study for madrigal quiz Monday.

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